Chapter 25

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"Come in."

Her voice was faint and hoarse from all the crying as she locked herself in her room. She wanted to lock herself as long as she can but she know that she shouldn't since it's not her house.

"Hey." The boy cleared his throat.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Just...checking if you're okay."

"I am...get out."

"Look Hyejin, I didn't mean what I said earl-"

"Then why did you said those in the first place?

Jeno was struck; Couldn't say a word as he just stood still on her doorstep. He felt guilt which he never really felt before making him frown at the sudden feeling.

"I's a joke." He cleared his throat.

"Well it's not funny."

Hyejin's eyes were swollen yet it's still sparkling, cheeks reddened from all the crying and her stuffy nose made it hard to breathe; still, she was beautiful.

"What?" Jeno slapped himself.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"Nothing! Here, a chocolate for you."

Jeno quickly tossed the chocolate bar to her, accidentally hitting her face but he didn't notice it since he was quick to exit the door.

"That hurts." Hyejin rubbed her forehead then smiled. But thank you."



The continuous ringing of her phone made Hyejin groan out of frustration before taking it.

An unknown number appeared on the screen making her frown since it was midnight; no one really called her at that time.

"H-Hello?" She hesitantly answered.

Heavy breathings were heard on the other line and her heart pounded fast at the sudden nervousness.

"Hyejin." The man paused. "How are you?"

"Y-yeonjun?" Hyejin gasped and sat up.

"Yes Hyejin, it's me." He whispered.

"Yeon? Where are you? I visited the house weren't there."

"You visited the house? I told you not to come there!" His voice was stern.

"It doesn't matter now. Where are you? Are you ok? Why weren't you answering my calls?"

"I-I'm fine...How about you? Are you okay there?"

"Yes, they're all nice to me. How about you?"

"Yeah, my colleagues treat me nice."

"Yeon, I miss much."

"I do too princess." He paused. "Where are you now? I mean...where do you live?"

"'s actually not that far from our house. Remember the mansion that we were always looking at when we were younger? That's where I am." Hyejin laughed

"The Lee mansion? Okay...Stay there until I call you to come back home okay?"

"Okay Yeonnie~ Wait where are y-"

"I need to go, bye."

"H-hello? Yeon?" 

Hyejin stared at her screen, frowning as the call ended that fast. She forced a smile and hugged her phone while staring at the ceiling.

"I miss you Yeon...I hope you're fine."


"Who was that?"

Yeji came inside the room with drinks on her hands. She neared Yeonjun who quickly stuffed his phone on his pocket while sweating nervously.

"Hey~ it's okay... I'm not gonna eat you." Yeji laughed.

Yeonjun gave a fake laugh and wiped his sweat before taking the drink given by Yeji.

"So, who was that?"

"Um... No one." Yeonjun sipped his drink.

"Oh come on Jun~ I'm your girlfriend."

Yeonjun nervously sipped his drink again before smiling at Yeji, trying not to look suspicious but failed miserably.

"It's okay...Just drink, I won't force you."

Yeonjun took one last sip on his drink and his head immediately ached causing him to drop the drink.

"What's wrong Jun?"

"M-my head." He clutched his hair. "It hurts!"


"Make it stop!"

Yeji stood up and crouched down on the floor, facing Yeonjun who begged for the pain to disappear.

"Tell me...Who were you talking to?"

"M-my sister." Yeonjun whispered as the pain slowly vanished.

"Where is she?" Yeji quipped.

"I-I don't... know."

"Where is your sister?" Yeji repeated.

"She's in...a Mansion...Lee...Mans-"

Yeonjun's eyes rolled back and his body laid on the bed unconscious as the drug he drank from the juice invaded his brain.

Yeji walked away and opened his bedroom door, but before walking out she gave a flying kiss on the poor boy lying on the bed.

"Sleep tight, Jun."


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