Chapter 63

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"The fuck!? Move!"

Renjun banged his fist on the horn multiple times making the other vehicles follow too. The screech of the car made other people yell at him but he didn't care. He has been driving recklessly as the safety of Hyejin was his priority, together with the other members.

They have been driving for thirty minutes  through the airport that was meant to be an hour long. Haerin kept on shivering on her seat at the thought of her friend getting kidnapped made her feel troubled.

"Wait...which airport are we going?" Jisung asked.

"I did a research earlier and the Resonance Airlines will be the only airport that has passengers heading to Texas."

"We're near there then."

Jeno sighed heavily; veins popping from his forehead as rage took over his body. He couldn't do nothing but to wait until they get into the airport.


"Ladies and gentlemen, flight 119 to Texas on board. I repeat, flight 119 to Texas on board. Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts."


"Stop the car."

"Jeno wait-"

Jeno went out of the car before it even halted as he heard the announcement from the airport. His body fell down on the cemented road followed by a screech of the car causing other people to look at him in worry.

He quickly stood up and ran inside, bumping other people on the way. Panting, he kept on running yet he didn't know where to go.

"Good morning once again. Flight 199 to Texas is ready to take off. Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened."

Jeno ran through every door, finding the way to the plane. Every girls he saw made him nervous as he would think she's one of them. He doesn't want to admit to himself that she's inside that plane yet he knew that she was.

He entered the door where the plane would take off and he ran there but the guards were quick enough and ran after him, taking him away with full force. They pushed him out of the hallway where the other members were as they guarded him to not cause any trouble.

"Young man! You would've been killed!

"Please sir, I need to save her!"

"Jeno, stop..."

"No! Stay here or we will call the police."

"No! I-I..." He crouched down and punched the cement as tears flowed in his eyes. "I need her."

People walked by and stared at Jeno who had crouched down on the floor while the others were comforting him. Their faces weren't different with Jeno's face as they silently cried.

"Flight 199 to Texas already took off. Flight 123 passengers to New York please fall in line."

Jeno mourned for her. Again. His knuckles were bleeding from all the punches he did on the floor and the others couldn't do anything but cry as well. She's gone and they won't know if she will ever come back.

Haerin froze and slowly dropped on the ground as her legs went imbalanced. Her tears weren't coming out even when she wanted to cry so badly.

Everything was a mess. People were staring at them weirdly while others sympathized them. Chenle hugged Jisung and cried on his shoulder while Jisung looked up in the sky, preventing his tears to fall.

Renjun placed his hand on his nape and looked up as he lightly banged his fist on the walk, not wanting to create a scene.

"You know what!? Fuck this!" Jaemin yelled and kicked the trash beside him. "She loves you Jeno!"

"She fucking loves you but she can't say it because she's afraid. Aren't we gonna fight for her!? Find her!?"

All of them gave blank expression and stared everywhere but  Jaemin. Jeno sniffed and stood up, head still looking down while droplets of blood fell down his knuckles

"I-I...At least..." Jeno scrunched his face. "At least I told her I love her." He bit his lip.

Jeno smiled sadly and slowly walked away. The guards were still looking at him while the others stayed on their places. He gave up already. Lee Jeno gave up even if he wanted to find her and fight for her. He just hopes that one day she will show up in front of him, smiling like the child she is.

"Lee Jeno!"

All of them looked up as a familiar voice shouted while Jeno slowly turned around, shocked by the voice. Multiple steps were heard running towards them together with a voice that kept on saying one certain name.

Jeno looked everywhere and stopped at a certain area as he saw a girl. Her beautiful and dazzling eyes stared at his own; tears falling down from it. Her short figure had  enlarged as her steps went nearer; running like there's no tomorrow.

She stunning ever so lightly, smiling so brightly just like a kid who earned a lollipop from her parents. There she was. His beloved. The most beautiful girl for him, Choi Hyejin.


Jeno's words were muffled as he felt soft lips savoring his own. His eyes widened but immediately closed as he kissed back. Hands going up to cup her face while she placed her hands on his nape, deepening the kiss.

The blood on his knuckles stained her white shirt but the two didn't care as they took the moment for them both. Hyejin smiled through the kiss while tears fell from her eyes and Jeno scrunched his face as she did so.

As the two ended their heated moment seen by many people, the others smiled warmly and went to hug her one by one making them cry again. Hyejin giggled at Haerin's crying face and hugged her longer than the others


"I-I was saved...I..." Hyejin went to Jeno and pointed at the two boys. "Thank them."

Hyejin smiled and pecked Jeno's lips once again making his eyes lit up from happiness. Jeno smiled endearingly and cupped her face, placing a peck on her head before looking at the two boys behind her.

"Who are you guys?"

The two boys looked at each other and bowed at each of them before the tall one nervously smiled at Jeno. He was handsome and the shorter one was cute, based from some girls out there that kept on looking at them.

"Sungchan, sir." He bowed once again.

The shorter one wasn't ready for  any introduction so he felt nervous but Sungchan nudged him and pointed at Jeno who had an impatient expression making him clear his throat.

"H-hello...I'm Shotaro."

He smiled at each of them and slightly hid behind Sungchan as he saw the other members looking at him fondly because of his cuteness

"Why were you with her?"

"Oh um...we saved her, sir."

Jeno looked at Hyejin for confirmation and she smiled before nodding her head making Jeno nod his head too. His face stayed scrunched up whenever he looks at the two boys and they felt utterly uncomfortable.

"How did you find her? Where's that fucking man!?"

"He left to Texas already and someone ordered us to save her." Sungchan said again.

"Who ordered you?

"H-Hwang Yeji. She told us that someone in the plane heading to Texas would be in danger." Shotaro mumbled.

"My brother's ex girlfriend ? So...where is she?" Hyejin asked.


Aye. So are they together now or...?👀

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