Chapter 43

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Jeno thought about what Haerin said for weeks. He couldn't eat nor sleep well because of overthinking. He didn't know what he feels or when did the feelings start to confuse him.

His knuckles were once again bleeding since he punched the wall again on a dead-end hallway. He wasn't on the hospital anymore since he didn't want other people to see him.

The hallway was dark even tho it was early in the morning. Jeno couldn't think straight as his mind kept on thinking about his own feelings.


The boy slowly lifted his head to see the same person he saw at the hospital. He felt triggered and anxious so he stood up and walked away from her.

"I need to talk to you Jeno."

Her voice was faint and hoarse as she clutched the same thing on her bag. Jeno scoffed and shook his head before walking away.

He knew that he might vent his all of his anger on her so he just walked away since he didn't want to kill her.

After the boy was out of her sight, the girl clutched the thing harder before sighing at the stubborn boy.

"Jeno...Time is ticking."


"Jeno...Where have you been?"

The boys looked up and smiled at their friend that looked lifeless and angry. Jeno smiled and averted his gaze to Haerin who stared back at him.

"Can we talk?" He whispered.

Haechan looked at Jeno and back at his girlfriend who smiled willingly. Haerin stood up and gave a reassuring smile to her boyfriend before walking away with Jeno.

They both came back at the playground outside the hospital and sat on the same bench. Jeno looked anywhere but her while Haerin waited patiently on what he's about to say.


"Wow...The great Lee Jeno stutters?" Haerin joked.

"Forget it." Jeno stood up but Haeirn quickly pulled his arm while saying sorry.

"Okay, I'm just joking...You seem down so I decided to lift the atmosphere."

Jeno sighed before staring at his lap which made Haerin pat his back.

"I...Do you think I like her?"


"Do you...think I like Hyejin?"

"Why are you asking me that? Ask yourself, silly." Haerin laughed.

"I've been thinking about it for weeks and I can't even sleep...I don't know."

Haerin smiled and stared at the children playing. She noticed the little boy who ignored the little girl while playing on his own so she quickly patted Jeno's shoulder.

"Look at them."

Jeno stared at the little girl who tried her best to get the boy's attention but the boy kept on ignoring her. The little girl did everything she can to make the little boy look at her but he was unbothered.

"You see? The little boy seems to hate the girl."

The little girl ran to the little boy and stumbled on the cement, causing her knee to be scraped. The little girl cried which made the little boy drop all his stuff and ran to her.

He wiped her tears and hugged her before giving her a lollipop to make her stop crying. He then blew the wound on her knee before asking the adults for help.

"But deep in the boy's heart...He wants to give his everything for her."

The little boy still hugged the little girl who kept on pushing him away since her knee hurts. She dropped the lollipop that he gave her unto the ground which was unnoticed by anyone.

"The girl started pushing him away. She realized that she wasted her time to please the boy who doesn't like her. But the boy...He started to realize that he will loose someone dear to him."

The adults came to their daughter and carried her away from the little boy before entering their car. The family drove away, leaving the boy on the grass all by himself. He's now alone. He took the lollipop from the ground and placed it on his pocket.

"He lost her. Who knows if she will come back or not? If she will forgive him or not. The little boy just realized...He likes her."

Haerin glanced at the boy beside him before placing her hand on his knuckles that were bleeding once again.

"Do you get me?" Jeno nodded.

"Now tell me, Lee Jeno. Do you like her?"


"Say it now...Or you might loose her forever."


"Lee Jeno!"

"I like her!" He yelled.

"What!? I can't hear you!"

"I like her! Choi Hyejin! I like you!"


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