Chapter 9

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Hyejin paced around the room, thinking on how to escape the mansion while Haerin kept on telling her not too.

"How about i pass out? Then you guys will rush m-"

"No. He wouldn't believe that."

Hyejin bit her thumb, thinking hard in hopes of finding a good reason to leave the house.



"Why do i need a reason to leave? I'm a human! I have the rights to leave! Besides, he locked me here, isn't that a crime?"

Hyejin scoffed while rushing out of Haerin's room and headed towards the kitchen where the others were.

"Lee Jeno!"


Last day. It was Yeonjun's last day to find the man so his sister won't get hurt.

He searched everywhere in Seoul but the man can't be found.

"Nothing must happen to you Hyejin."

A tear escaped his eye and he wiped it hastily before walking again,

"Excuse me. Have you seen this man?"

Yeonjun showed a picture to a woman who was standing near the tree. She shook her head and Yeonjun immediately walked to another person.

The man was innocent but Yeonjun wanted to find him since he didn't want his sister to be harmed.

He knew that harming someone innocent is wrong but his only family would be in grave danger if he doesn't.

"Have you seen this man?"

"No, I'm sorry."


"Lee Jeno!"

Hyejin's voice beamed on the kitchen, catching everyone's attention.

"Let me out of this house. Now!"

"No." Jeno continued to eat.

"Tsk. Who do you think you are!? I could sue you!"


Hyejin grunted before aggressively walking towards him with both hands up high without him knowing.

"I hate you!"

She gripped Jeno's hair tightly and pulled it, making Jeno groan and stand up, trying to get her hands away.

"Let go, you crazy girl!"

Hyejin kept on yelling while pulling his hair tighter which made the members separate them both.

"What the heck!? Are you crazy!?"

"Yes, I'm crazy! So what!?"

Jeno wanted to strangle her so bad but he kept his calm since he didn't want to become a monster.

Hyejin pushed Jisung's hands off her, planning to strangle him again but his words made her stop.

"Fine, you'll go home. Jeez."


"But because of what you did, you'll be living here for a week."

"What!? Then why would you even bring me home!?"

"To pack your things and stay here."

"I thought you hated me!?"

"Correction, I still hate you."

"Then why would you live with someone you hate?"

"Too many questions. Just prepare yourself."

Jeno massaged his head and walked away, leaving Hyejin jumping happily while the members stared at her in awe.


"In 400 meters, turn left."

"Are you a google map or something?"

"Just go."

Jaemin drove both Jeno and Hyejin towards her house which was not too far than what she've expected.

"Then turn right."

Jaemin did what he was told and turned quickly making the car hit a trash can.

"Jaemin! This is expensive!" Jeno grunted.

"Sorry, my bad."

Hyejin smiled as she saw a glimpse of her house before poking Jaemin's shoulder excitedly.

"We're here."


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