Chapter 40

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Have you ever lost someone you love?

He felt his breath hitch as seconds passed; His vision blurred and he his hearing slowly faded. His doe eyes rolled back and his lips who carried a small smile slowly parted away.
The hand on Hyejin's cheek soon dropped on the floor and it stayed put.

"! Wake up!"

The girl yelled while shaking the boy's shoulders. Her only family, her first friend... Her brother. She cried, wanting to die with him. She didn't know what to do without him and she felt regretful of not spending the last month with him.

"Yeonjun! Wake up! Open your eyes!"

His face was filled with blood, chest still oozing with blood that drenched her clothes but she didn't care. Meanwhile, the girl who stood frozen near them crouched down as a tear fell in her eye.

Yeonjun is dead.

Have you ever thought of reasons on why the world is so unfair?

"Mama! Don't leave!"

The little girl cried as she hugged her mother's legs that kept on pushing her away. She stared at her face that had tear stains. The little girl wanted to wipe it for her but she was too tall to reach.

"Let go, Hyejin."

"Mama please~"

She continued to cry while her mother got pissed off and pushed her hard enough to make her fall on the floor.

The lady walked away and never looked back on her children that bawled their eyes out on her disappearance. A man hugged them both, also crying as he stared at the disappearing back of the first woman she loved.

"It's okay, papa's here."


"Papa look! Yeon drew me a dinosaur!"

The little girl ran to her father's room and shook his shoulders to wake him up. The man didn't budge; lips pale and hands cold.

"Papa~ Wake up! It's already lunchtime!"

She kept on shaking her father, feeling his cold body that she never touched before. As a little girl she was, she just thought that her father was a heavy sleeper so she haven't thought about it.

"Yeon! Papa won't wake up! Try to wake him!" The little girl giggled.


"Any family members he-"

"Us. We are family!" The little boy shouted.

"Oh...Don't you have any guardian with you?" The doctor was shocked.

"No. Papa is the only one we have."

"I-i...your" The doctor stuttered.

"Is my papa okay?" The little girl asked.

The doctor walked near the little girl and crouched down while rubbing her thin arms.

"Your papa...went somewhere far...somewhere ...beautiful."

Have you ever thought of dying?


Hyejin slowly lifted the gun and placed the tip on her head. Her tears bawled out of her eyes as she slowly pulled the trigger.

She was hesitating.

"Brother~" Hyejin cried. "Why?"

Hyejin yelled and placed the gun down before looking at her bare thigh. She groaned before pulling the trigger and shot her right thigh two times together with her left arm times which made her scream more.

Her cries went louder as she kept on banging her head on the wall, wanting to die. Yup, same question 'why don't she just shoot her head?'


Multiple hands banged on her door, forcing it to open but girl kept on crying as the pain on her leg kept on suffocating her.

"I don't want to die that easy Yeon...I wanted to feel how you felt." She scoffed. "Stupid right?"

"Hyejin! Open this door now!"

The boys on the other side hit their bodies on the door in attempt to open it. Jisung ran away and looked for the key to her room which is in the basement.


The boys came altogether as they opened her door and Renjun quickly took the gun from her hand while Chenle pushed her hard before she could even pull the trigger once again.

Hyejin banged her head on the nightstand making it bleed from the sudden push. The boys stared in shock and Jeno lunged at Chenle who pushed her.

"I had no choice! She was going to shoot herself!"

"Call 911.Now."


"Hyejin! Get it together!"

Multiple voices shouted as some of the nurses rushed her on the emergency room.  Nurses pushed the hospital bed inside a room and shooed the boys away. The doctors and nurses rushed as they saw the blood and immediately did their job.


The doctor carefully cut Hyejin's right thigh and left arm to take the bullets. Her head bled too much that her face was almost unrecognizable but the doctors did their best for her.

Everyone was glad that she wasn't shot on the dangerous parts of the body such as the head, the chest and the abdomen but still, her head bled too much.

Inaudible voices were heard outside as seven boys sat on the cold chairs while they waited for news. They kept on looking back and forth on the clock and the door.

"Hyejin." A boy whispered. "Please be fine."


(I know nothing about medical thingies so I don't know what I did here)

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