Chapter 34

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"Jaemin, hack the surveillance cameras of the neighbors to check on the kidnappers."

"Renjun, drive around the neighborhood with Jisung and ask every people of these two."

"Chenle, go tell the police that the girls are missing."

Everyone rushed and panicked specially Jeno who couldn't have a peace of mind. His mind went blank as he didn't know what to do or what to instruct while Mark and Haechan lead their members.

"I've sent their pictures to the police and they said they'll find them as soon as they can."

All dream members together with some 127 members rushed to do their works in finding the girls while Jeno still doesn't know what to do.

"How about Hyejin's brother? Did you tell her?" Haechan asked Mark.

"He still can't be dialed."


"Hyejin~ Wake up...please."

Haerin whispered as she kept on fumbling and untying the rope on her own wrists. Her wrists bled as she continued to scrape it on the rope, in hopes of escaping. Footsteps were heard nearing their room and Haerin almost lost hope. Almost.

She spent her last energy on untying herself while whispering on the girl beside her who was still unconscious. She hissed as the ropes kept on scraping her wounds but she didn't have a choice.

"Yes!" She yelled.

Footsteps came nearer than what she expected so she quickly untied the ropes on her feet and immediately untied Hyejin's. As she did, she tried to carry the girl but her weight was too much for her specially because of her drained energy.

"Yeah, the boss said to wait."

Keys dangling made Haerin sweat more as she struggled on carrying the girl. She tried to find any doors or windows to escape.

They're on the second floor so it would be hard for her to escape while carrying the life of the girl with her.

She heard the door know twist and voices came louder. Her eyes kept on looking back and forth at Hyejin and the window.

"Hyejin..." Haerin teared up before dropping Hyejin's body gently on the floor. "I'm so sorry."

With that, Haerin jumped out of the window and left the unconscious girl lying on the cold floor before the men could even notice.

"And besid- Yo what happened!?"

"Fuck! The other one escaped!"

The two men rushed on the unconscious girl and forced her to wake up. "Fuck!" They dropped her harshly on the floor and looked outside the window but saw no one.


Dying; that's what he was. He was dying as dried blood covered his body with new fresh wounds stung on it. It was the most horrible way of dying; Feeling the pain that would slowly eat you until you die.

"Oi, did you hear!? The other girl escaped!"

"What? Who?"

"I don't know...Tsk, they can't even do their work right."

The men together with him inside the room continued to talk with each other. He swallowed the blood on his mouth; gagging as the taste stayed on his throat.

"What about this guy?" A man pointed at him.

"I don't know, watch him die I guess."


Running like she was followed by zombies, the girl panted as her legs ran on every street she saw. She wiped the tears that left her eyes at the thought of her friend dying because of her.

"I'm so s-sorry..."

Her eyes widened as she ran to a familiar neighborhood. Her legs ran faster, not minding her throbbing head. Dizziness invaded her head and black spots occurred in her eyes.

She kept on running and her legs gave up as she fell on the cemented floor. Her knees bled at the fall but she didn't care so she stood up and quickly ran to the first person she saw.

"M-mark!" She yelled.

She entered the large gate and ran towards the boy. Breath hitching, she forced herself to talk as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Haerin...Guys! Haerin!" Mark yelled.


With that, her eyes rolled back and her body fell on Mark's while the other boys ran towards them.

"B-baby..." Haechan cried.

He took her body from Mark's and carried her in the mansion, feeling relived that his girlfriend is safe. Meanwhile, Jeno looked everywhere, head hurting from all the stress and frustration.

"Wait...Where's Hyejin?"


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