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-: seventh year :-


. . .

Luckily, the closest door into a carriage had lead them into an empty compartment, and whilst Charlie, Kaida and Xavier already had one waiting for them, Fred and George gladly took it, ushering out Percy and the three best friends. 

"They all seemed rather excited when I left them." Xavier commented, as Charlie said goodbye to Percy for now and they set off in opposite directions. "I think Dana was a bit tired though, so she might have hexed them all into silence."

"I hope so.." Kaida replied, getting looks from the two boys. "Fun and games might be fun for you two, Leo and Tonks, but me, Dana and Isla might want some quiet so that we can actually think. 

"Both of you are stupid, Dana is going to be with me in the prefect cabin. You've forgotten she was made head girl?" Charlie said, and Kaida and Xavier glanced at each other, before pushing the ginger boy backwards. "Oi!" He shouted, the other two shrugging. 

"I should've left you on that platform." Kaida giggled. "And yes, I'm still mad that they didn't get rid of you as captain for our final year. It's about time Gryffindor had a female captain." 

"One who gets kicked out of her parents for accidentally making a cup of tea without even realising it." Xavier commented, and the girl gasped. "Charlie told me, and before you get started I think your parents are air heads - do they not remember the things you did when you first displaying magic?"

"Vividly." Kaida made a face. "They still bring the time I set the stupid madeleines on fire up because I didn't want to wait for them to bake properly - and it's not in the 'aww my childs magical' sort of way." Xavier pointed her towards a certain compartment. "Have fun with your prefect duties, Charles, and don't let Dana talk about Bill too much, I suppose she'll have all sorts of questions about what he did over the summer."

"Ha ha ha." Charlie rolled his eyes, before disappearing into another carriage. He had predicted correctly, and Dana had disappeared, leaving Leo, Tonks and Isla in the compartment. 

"Finally someone funny!" Tonks exclaimed, upon seeing the two enter. "Isla is absolutely dead this morning and Leo is too busy thinking about how he's going to ask some girl to Hogsmeade."

Xavier's eyes flickered over to meet Kaida, who only shrugged and sat down next to Leo, whose cheeks became a shade of pink. "I hope it's no one in Gryffindor, because there might be some sore feelings when we beat your sorry arses in the first Quidditch match of the season." Kaida smirked. "Charlie got sent the dates for all the matches early."

"How do you both always manage to sound like you're bragging about each other in that sort of couple-fashion." Isla said, and Kaida rolled her eyes. "Really, I've never seen two people act like you two do."

"Can we just put a ban on that stuff for the rest of the year?" Tonks piped up. "Sure, Charlie and Kai would make the perfect couple, but we've all said it like twenty billion times." 

"Thank Merlin, someone with common sense!" Kaida practically sang, edging slightly closer to the metamorphagus and balancing her head on Tonks' shoulder, peering down at whatever she was reading.

"God what is it with you people being in love with each other-" Xavier began, but with one flick of Kaida's wand, no more words were coming out of his mouth. 

"Finally, peace and quiet." Leo stiffled a laugh, dodging the punch that Xavier sent his way. "Surely you could just do a little bit of non-verbal magic? I remember you being really good at that." The Hufflepuff smirked.

Xavier wasn't good at non-verbal magic, not good at all. 

A whine-like sound could be heard, as the Miller boy looked to his twin and best friends. With a sigh, Kaida cast the counter-charm, and as dramatic as ever, Xavier pretended to take deep, gulping gasps of air. 

"Shut up you prat." Kaida rolled her eyes, flicking his temple. "We need to be read for when D and Charlie come back, she's the head girl and I think she'll be less than impressed if she sees us fighting."

"It's not my fault that you two are so violent-" Xavier began, when both Isla and Tonks lent forward, Tonks hitting him over the head with her newspaper and Isla hit him on top of the head with her hairbrush, which had been produced seemingly from thin air.

"Let's not kill anyone this year, please. I have a feeling we'll be depleting in number at some point anyways." A rather posh-sounding voice appeared from the entrance to the compartment, and Dana walked in, Charlie behind her. 

"You and your sixth sense." Leo mumbled. "Of course we're going to deplete in number, it's our last year, idiot."

"Not like that.." Dana mumbled, and the others shared a look, wondering what on Earth she was on about this time. But two of them might have figured it out, considering the small feeling of guilt appearing in the pit of their stomachs.

But they had only discussed it, nothing was finalised and unlikely to be acted upon.

𝘀𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸, charlie weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now