˗ˋ 18

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-: seventh year :-


. . .

"He's such a dickhead." Kaida's whines were far too loud for the confines of the Hogwarts' library, a choruses of 'Shhh!' echoing all around her. "Stupid Madam Pince and her stupid alarms." She muttered, glaring at the tiny objects that floated around above the top-most rows of books on the bookshelves.

"It's because of people like you that they're implemented." Isla mumbled, looking over the top of her muggle book and seeing the group in front of her staring. "What? It's true. You know, libraries are there for people to work and read quietly, not group complaints or conversations."

"Isla, have you not tried multi-tasking before?" Xavier's eyebrows darted upwards. "We're all reading books, we just happen to be talking as well."

"Keyword being quietly - and Kai hasn't even opened her book, neither has Charlie!" Isla pointed out, huffing out a sigh before returning to her own book.

"She has a point." Dana nodded, looking up from the essay that she was writing, her quill moving almost too fast for her to keep up.

"There." Charlie opened the book balanced on the table beside him, reaching over and opening the cover of the one on Kaida's lap. "Happy?" 

"Very." Isla and Dana chimed, eyes flickering over to each other and sharing a smile before diverting their attention right back to the work they were doing. 

"Since when did you two read?" A bright voice chimed above them, a head of pink hair arriving at the end of the small nook, rolling her eyes at the magical alarms shushing her. 

"They don't." Leo's voice piped up from on the other side of the bookcase, turning around the corner and throwing an arm over Tonks' shoulder, instantly being shoved off but not at all fazed by it. "The books are for pleasing Dana and Isla - so that they can have their conversation under the pretence of reading."

"Oh - count me in." Tonks pulled a book out of Leo's hands. "'Most Macabre Monstrosities'" She read the title, a look of pure judgment on her face as she turned to look at Leo. "You read this shit?" She asked, bemused.

"No... I was planning on using it to pretend to read as well." Leo rolled his eyes, snatching the book back. "It would be more suspicious if you read - so you don't need a book."

"Oh thank Merlin." A grin spread across Tonks' face as she dragged a chair down the aisle and sat down on it. "So what are we talking about."

"How Snape's a dickhead." Xavier chimed in, also holding a book and pretending to read it. "Kai is very clearly exhausted from Charlie's Quidditch practises - I swear she's doing even more work then him and-"

"Hey!" Charlie exclaimed, another shushing noise appearing above their heads.

"She probably is." Tonks hummed her agreement, sticking her middle finger up at the ginger-haired Weasley boy. "Let's be honest here, Charles." 

"Right - so we've established that Kaida definitely wears the pants and puts the work in with that friendship, really Charlie you've hit the jackpot here - and so back to the story!" Xavier's tone was bright, but anyone could see his distaste for the interruption. "So Kai, Charlie and Isla are in potions and Kai is clearly exhausted." He began once again, continuing on to retell what he had heard from Charlie and Kaida twenty or so minutes before. 

"I swear he's some fucked up sadist or something." Tonks shivered, sitting up in her seat. "So, Kai, how much do you want to get back at him." 

"Probably quite a lot? I'm not sure... I snuck into the Hospital Wing and stole one of Madam Pomfrey's pain potions. Drank far too much 'n I'm a little tired." Kaida replied, head propped up by her hand, elbow balanced on the table.

"Charlie you should probably take her back to the dorm." Tonks looked mildly concerned, head tilted at the side. "But first, we plan our revenge. I say that after you have had a nap and recovered - so tomorrow - we sneak out to Hogsmeades and pick a few things up from Zonkos?" 

"I'm coming." Charlie instantly put himself forward, glancing around. "Leo, you in?" 

"Oh you can always count me in for some revenge against Snape. This sort of thing is what I live for." The Hufflepuff sat up, smiling in his chair. "But you should definitely get Miss Pain Potion over there to bed or the Hospital Wing. And tone down on your practise."

"Oh trust me, I've figured that out." Charlie nodded, reaching to pull Kaida's chair closer to him, hand wrapped around the leg. "But no need for the Hospital Wing, she can sleep right here. That good enough for you, Kai?" He titled forward and met her eyes. 

"Mhm." She replied, eyes already flickering closed as Charlie, for the second time that day, twisted her head to lean on his shoulder and letting her rest there. 

Revenge would come for Snape the next day. For now, Kaida needed to get the pain potion out of her system and rest.

𝘀𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸, charlie weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now