˗ˋ 07

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-: seventh year :-


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"So, what did everyone do on their holidays?" Dana asked, looking around. "Apart from pissing off your muggle parents so much that you get kicked out."

"Geez Dan, don't sugarcoat it." Kaida commented, and the Shacklebolt girl shrugged. "But yeah, what did everyone else do? Wait - let me guess. Xavier, you spent all your summer trailing around after that girl in the village sweetshop." She looked over at Xavier, who shrugged, nodding. 

"Isla, you actually got the guy who worked at the sweetshop and Xavier was absolutely heartbroken over it considering that he's the one who is supposed to get all the girls." Kaida continued, and Xavier scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"She's right and you know it." Tonks chimed in, and the group laughed, the Miller boy grumbling and sinking into his seat.

"Tonks, you're forever a mystery but I assume it involved Quidditch and making your parents jump at every chance you could by using your powers." Kaida went on. "Dana, you spent the summer with your Dad working in the Auror offices."

"It started with carrying mail and making coffees, but I ended up being able to write a letter and even a report." Dana beamed. "A couple of his co-workers even mentioned how I would be a perfect fit for their team, considering my DADA OWL results."

"Still on her way to becoming Minister of Magic." Kaida nodded. "And Leo.. looking after your sister and trying to break out of your house to go and meet up with that Gryffindor guy who lives nearby."

"Failing, miserably. Besides, he came home with a girlfriend this year - didn't think either of you could've given me a heads up?" Leo sighed.

"Feeling jealous?" Tonks raised an eyebrow. 

"You guys live so far away and I didn't pass my apparition test, no matter how many times I took it. Sprout's making me take it again." Leo sighed. "But that's besides the point, I was practically alone all summer." 

"Poor Hannah." Kaida made a face and Leo rolled his eyes. "So, sounds as if everyone had a totally normal summer."

"How jealous are you, on a scale of one to ten?" Tonks asked leaning forward. Kaida sighed, holding up ten fingers, about to continue on when the door slid open.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The witch asked, leaning through. A few seconds later and Leo, Dana, Isla, Tonks and Xavier were digging into their pockets, buying multiple things eat and throwing several packets at Charlie and Kaida.

"Thank you!" They chorused, as the witch closed the door.

"Anyway, back to Kaida's ranking. Jealous, ten out of ten. You've got three minutes to rant." Tonks said, a smirk appearing on her face. "Dana, you got the time?" Tonks asked, the dark haired girl nodded. "Ok, go." 

Kaida took a breath, before beginning her summer rant - a annual occurence. It started with her getting back from the station, her parents refused to come anywhere nears Kings Cross and so she would take the train to the nearest town to her house, walking the rest of the way.

The Phoenix girl spent the majority of the summer in her room, working on the various homework tasks. Every so often, she would travel up to York to visit the magical alleys there, spending most of her time reading about various magical creatures. 

She would return to her home in the village and go back to her room, only leaving for food and going on walks. It was the time she left her room that the trouble would begin.

Kaida had turned seventeen, so she could use magic out of school. However, she never seemed to realise that she sometimes did it by herself. And so, it resulted her getting kicked out. 

"And your time is up." Tonks announced, as Dana looked up from her watch. "Kaida, I think this is the worst one yet, congratulations."

"Thank you, means the most. Don't suppose you could spare part of your chocolate frog as a prize?" Kaida looked over at Tonks, who broke off a leg without any mercy, passing it to the girl.

"What about me?" Charlie asked, and the six of them looked over at him. "What did I do all summer?" 

"Charlie, I spent a lot of it with you." Kaida began, but the boy only looked as if he was waiting. "Fine, you sat inside your room until your brothers dragged you out of your room to play Quidditch games. Or go on walks." 

"Bingo. And then you came along and suddenly nobody was bothering me as much. Except you  - but it was bliss." Charlie finished, looking rather satisfied. "Isla, don't you even dare."

"Fine - fine." Isla said, putting her hands up as both Kaida and Charlie looked over at her, as if challenging her to say something about them dating. 

The group of them laughed, and it finally felt as if they were fully reunited again.

𝘀𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸, charlie weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now