˗ˋ 13

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-: seventh year :-


. . .

Kaida almost took at tumble as she felt her foot collide with a rock, and had Charlie not been rather firmly holding her hand as they ran down the pathway from the school to the Quidditch pitch, she would have fallen.

Following them leaving their last lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts, they had ran through the castle's corridors, trying to get there before the students who were planning on trying out could leave their classrooms.

The run in with Filch had only caused a minor disturbance in their journey, a resting place that let them catch their breath for only half a minute. But as soon as Filch has turned his back to see his cat, they were running again.

The pitch had come into sight minutes ago, but they were approaching quickly and it grew bigger and bigger as they got closer, slowing from a run to a jog and then a walk, panting in the mid-September sunlight.

"And there's the bell." Charlie managed to say, the echo of the bell signalling the end of the school day ringing in their ears. 

"Perfect timing." Kaida nodded, speeding up just slightly as they turned the corner, heading into the changing rooms. On the benches were two bags, very familar to the two as the bags that held their Quidditch uniform.

The pair seperated, Kaida heading into the corner that the girls generally used to get changed in; it was hidden by a wall and a shower curtain that someone had stolen and put up years ago - giving them that privacy they needed.

"Do you reckon we've got some good players trying out?" Charlie shouted from the other section, Kaida's hands tumbling over one another as she unbuttoned her blouse, having forgotten to undo her tie and somehow managing to tighten it, hands abandoning the buttoms as she loosed it, pulling it off andd hanging it over the hook.

"I've got a couple of people in mind for the chasers." Kaida shouted back, pulling off her skirt, socks and unbuttoning the rest of her shirt. "We just need to sort out the beaters really."

A sound which sounded distinctively like a positive reply echoed back, and the girl didn't say anything more, focusing on putting on the uniform, tucking in her shirt and pulling back the curtain as she settled on the bench, forcing her boots on and doing up the laces so tightly it could probably almost cut off her blood supply.

She moved closer to Charlie, tugging her hair up into a ponytail and securing loose strands with a couple of clips, pulling the red mesh bib over the grey shirt, a '2' printed in gold across the centre.

"I saw the twins names on there. They're only second year -  do you think they'll manage it?" Kaida asked, Charlie and her walking out of the changing rooms grasping their wands, heading next door to the storage cupboard.

"I think they will do - they were great when we played them back home.. depends if there are any better players.. but maybe being second year will be their downfall." Charlie replied, watching carefully as Kaida raised her wand, using magic to levitate the brooms that were leaning against the wall, putting the pile out onto the grass. 

"People are coming." Charlie murmured, peering up the path to see various groups heading down to the pitch. "Kai - come get the balls with me - and don't make a joke about it, I can see Xavier and Leo having their influence."

"Don't pretend you don't laugh at them as well." Kaida replied as she followed after him, the two of them returning to the pitch with two cases of practise balls a moment later. "Looks like we have a good crowd.. quite a variety."

"Right.. Is this everyone?" Charlie didn't answer her properly as he stepped forward, voice far louder than the mumbling of the crowd. His eyes flickered over the crowd, taking a head-count.

"We're missing the twins - but otherwise we're good to go." Kaida had been doing the same, glancing from face to face and matching them up with the name. "They're coming now."

"Alright Charlie, Kai?" Fred grinned as they approached, nodding at their brother and his best friend, slinking into line as they joined the group.

"Alright, seems like that's everyone. So I think we'll get right into it. I'm Charlie Weasley, as many of you will know, this is my co-captain Kaida Phoenix, and it is expected that she is to be treated as you would me." He began, gesturing to the girl stood just behind him. 

"I'm sure several of you have tried out before, and some of you haven't - but I'll quickly explain my plans for this year. We'll be creating hopefully one of the best teams that Gryffindor have seen for years. As many of you will have noticed, there are no places for Seeker, Keeper and only two Chaser positions available. Hopefully, you all know Oliver Wood - and quite frankly I don't think anyone will be a better keeper than him." Charlie grinned at the boy who had joined them to help out with the tryouts, stood just to the side from the group. 

"I am Seeker, and Kaida is the first Chaser. Which means that there will only be four spaces available, two beaters and two chasers. I have spent much of my summer devising a plan for my Quidditch team, tactics to practise and various improvements to certain things. And my plans start right here, with the several activities I have thought of to test your skills." Charlie seemed to be a perfect leader; he had them practically captivated by his words.

"And whether you make the team will be completely up to you."

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