˗ˋ 11

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-: seventh year :-


. . .

It took Kaida and Charlie quite the while to get from the Great Hall to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. First, Kaida had to wait for Dana to let him go from his prefect duties, and then they were stopped out in the entrance hall by Tonks and Leo who had realised they too had the lesson first.

Then, it was the battle against the many other students to get from the Entrance Hall and to the stairs, as everyone seemed to be heading to their classes at the same time. First years were running around like headless chickens, and on multiple occassions, both Kai and Leo were stopped and asked for directions.

"I'm the actual prefect!" Charlie erupted as the fifth first year who asked Kaida about how they would go about getting to the dungeons ran away. "Yet somehow you're more approachable than me - and that one was in Gryffindor."

"And what about me!" Tonks joined in, hair flashing a rather bright green as she settled into walk between the two Gryffindors, who, joined with Leo, only stared at the girl. "Alright, alright, I get it." She put her hands up in mock innocence. "Charlie - try smiling more.. although it is quite embarassing that you're actually their prefect and-"

The girl was promptly shut up by Leo, who stuffed his last half of his bacon butty into her mouth, having successfully managed to carry it through the crowd and looking rather sad now that his fellow Hufflepuff was chewing on it. 

"Like Tonks said-" Kaida looked away from the girl and back to Charlie. "Smile more, Charles. You resemble a dragon." 

"Well that's just perfect isn't it!" Charlie replied, the three around his laughing at his reaction. "Shut up." He grumbled, as they reached the door into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 

It was half-way full already, other seventh year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs lounding around at their chosen desks, groups formed in various corners and on the front rows.

"I'm surprised these are even left." Kaida commented, as her and Charlie took one pair of back seats, Tonks and Leo in the one beside them. "Usually they're gone way before we get here."

"It seems that our new teacher is rather interesting." Leo commented, swinging his bag around and hanging it on the edge of the chair. "I head some people talking about how excited they are for it."

"Well everyone will be delighted to have a celebrity in our mix, won't they?" Tonks replied, her green hair having returned to it's usual spiky pink. "Everyone will be wondering about how someone like her could teach."

"I don't think we have long left until we find out." Charlie glanced at the watch on his wrist, the hands nearing nine. "Hey, Kai - help me design the tryouts poster?" He peered at his best friend, who was busy trying to dig things out of her bag. 

"Design? Why don't you just scribble one like you usually do." Kaida looked rather unconcerned as she put her bag on the floor. "I was thinking, you know how you told Wood that there's not many places left and most are secured, but is that really fair?"

"I mean, I'm a chaser and if you're holding tryouts for chasers, surely I should have to tryout as well?" Kaida continued, tilting her head. "You know, there could be a better player out there."

"I doubt it. Not many people have above-average skills, and even less have anything better than above-average. Even if I do find someone better - and I'll bet three knuts that I won't - they'll just be one as well as you. You're going nowhere, don't-" Charlie was saying, before he was cut off by the sound of a door opening.

Rakepick walked through the door, powerful strides taking her across the classroom and she stopped by the front desk, and students still stood up hurrying to sit down in their seats. "Good morning, boys and girls." She announced, looking around the classroom, eyes scanning the desks. "I hope we all have our books, if not, there should be some spares in my office, so just let me know."

A few people put up their hands, and with a flick of her hand, copies of their NEWT Defense Against the Dark Arts book were flying over to those who had.

"I know this teacher hasn't been a very.. stable position in the past few years." Professor Rakepick began, hands folding across her chest.

"You can say that again." Kaida mumbled, sitting up a bit more in her seat at Rakepick's eyes flickered over to her, seemingly having heard her comment.

"And as many have failed, I hope I may prevail and continue in this position for a least a couple more years. You're all smart enough to read ahead to figure out what we'll be studying this year, so I'll leave it out. But now introductions. And don't you worry, all I'll be asking for is your names." Rakepick stood up, moving behind her desk and pulling out a piece of parchment as various sighs of relief could be heard about her decision to just find out their names.

Going down each row, Professor Rakepick asked each student their name and then their house as well, noting each one down on her parchment. "And you are?" She peered over at Kaida, who cleared her throat.

"Kaida Phoenix. Gryffindor." The girl recited dutifully, the professor pulling a rather impressed-looking face.

"Wonderfully magical name. And you, beside Miss Phoenix?" She pointed her quill at Charlie, who replied similarly to his best friend. "Charlie Weasley, huh? I've met your brother - William, was it."

"He usually goes by Bill.. but yes. William." Charlie nodded, turning to his friends with a rather acomplished look, lowering his voice. "Well there's our answer." He said.

But even if the three beside him were happy with the results he already had about them just knowing of each other, Charlie had decided to write to Bill anyway, to see if he could find out more about their teacher.

She seemed nice enough, luckily, but just to be safe.

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