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-: seventh year :-


. . .

The summer days seemed to pass quickly, one by one as Kaida stayed with the Weasleys. She was the type to go to sleep late and wake up early, not really needing too much sleep in order to function.

And with every day that passed, Kaida could watch the sun rise and set, waiting for the days until they could go back to Hogwarts. Since arriving at the Burrow, she had spent majority of time playing makeshift Quidditch tournaments, preparing for her and Charlie's final year on the team. Charlie and her also went on a number of walks, trying to find some creature in the nearby forest that the second oldest Weasley boy had wanted to find.

As she had grown older, Kaida had grown more aware of just how long she stayed with the Weasleys. When she was younger, just playing Quidditch was enough, but now she began to get the guilt that came when you felt as if you were intruding on something - and that was exactly how Kaida had began to feel.

"Don't worry about it, you're practically family." Charlie had whispered to her, when he noticed her looking awkward at dinner, and had asked her why whilst they washed up. 

The feeling of awkwardness had subsided slightly since then, but a wave of relief had come over Kaida when Mrs Weasley burst into Charlie's room one morning, in order to wake him up like usual, and told them that they were going to Diagon Alley. 

They were finally getting properly out of the Burrow - and as much as Kaida loved the place, the feeling of overstaying her welcome had taken over her, and so she was glad to be going to a place other than the village of Ottery St Catchpole. 

And so, the majority of the Weasley family - of course, Bill was away in Egypt - as well as the Phoenix girl made their way to Diagon Alley, which was full and bustling with life as always. 

"Now Charlie, Kaida, I'll trust that you know what you need to buy." Mrs Weasley said, and both of the two seventh years nodded, clutching their letters from Hogwarts for that year. Charlie and Kaida nodded, and with that, Mrs Weasley let them go into the area. 

"So, we'll go to Florish and Blotts - I need a new skirt, I think you need a new jumper." Kaida began. "We need quills, I'll get us a broomstick servicing kit.. quidditch robes.. you need a new cauldron.. both need ingredients.." The girl scribbled things down in a notebook, Charlie standing over her shoulder.

"Where would I be without you." Charlie commented, aannd Kaida's eyes narrowed as she looked at him - wondering what exactly his tone was, she couldn't just pick it up from his words - Kaida had trouble with that sometimes.

"Somewhere in a ditch? With a jumper far too small for you?" She replied, and Charlie rolled his eyes. "I'm just relaying what your mum very subtly told me about when I was getting my laundry." 

"You're probably right - but I do have some common sense, you know?" The ginger boy said in retaliation - only to get a laugh from Kaida. 

The pair headed to Madam Malkins first, and stood opposite each other up on the platforms. Kaida had her jumper pulled half way up her stomach as Madame Malkin wrapped a tape measure around her waist.

"So what was it this time?" The seamstress asked, taking note of the circumference of the girl's waist. "You haven't grown at all, and last time you got a skirt was just before you returned after Easter."

"There was an incident with a Crup and a Fairy." Kaida grumbled, and across from her, Charlie laughed as he remembered it. "Care of Magical Creatures class. Professor Kettleburn sends his apologises."

"I'm sure he does. I'll measure you Mr Weasley and I'll be back with your items in a minute." Madam Malkin said, and not ten minutes later were the two friends leaving the shop, heading towards Flourish and Blotts.

They purchased their school books, alongside a rather interesting looking book about dragons before continuing with the rest of their shop. With a brief stop at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream parlour, Charlie and Kaida had finished their shopping in no time. 

They had seen many friends, and they would reunite with those friends once more in just a matter of days, as they arrived at Platform 9¾ to return to Hogwarts for their very last year.


𝘀𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸, charlie weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now