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-: seventh year :-


. . .

The first night back at Hogwarts always seemed to provide such a easy sleep, the type that you woke up feeling refreshed and not at all tired. Of course, when the term progressed and the older years got swamped with school work, sleep would become a necessity rather than something you could enjoy.

The first night was especially blissful to those who had spent the summer in somewhere they hated or didn't feel welcome. Whilst Kaida had spent a good couple of weeks with the Weasleys, she had been one of those people, and Hogwarts had been her safe haven for the past few years.

She didn't even have to wake up through one of the girls shaking her awake, which seemed to be the case later on in the year - when students would fall asleep studying and be forced up out of bed by the threat of breakfast coming to an end.

And feeling somewhat excited about the day ahead of her, and hoping to possibly have a class with the new professor - only to find out whether or not she would be a good teacher - Kaida dressed in her uniform and made her way through a mostly empty school, getting to the Great Hall.

Only upon entering, she was stopped short by a piece of parchment being thrust in her face. "Oops." Charlie appearing behind it, but despite the apologetic expression, something sparked in his eyes and his smile turned into a smirk. "Many apologies, Kai. Your timetable." He moved the parchment down.

"Glad to see you taking your prefect duties just as seriously as usual." Kaida took the parchment, scanning it, then looking back at him. "Have you got anymore to hand out? We should compare-"

"Already did." Charlie finished. "And as usual, we have the same classes. We really shouldn't expect anything different, you know, considering we took the same OWL and NEWT subjects."

Kaida nodded, peering over his shoulder to where Dana was stood, talking to a couple of the Ravenclaw prefects. "Are you free to come eat?" She asked. "You didn't answer my question before."

"Um.. I don't think so." Charlie said, smile more mischievous than ever, dragging Kaida down the hall to the end of the Hufflepuff table, where the rest of his friends.

"And that was-" Tonks began as she saw them, glancing down at her watch. "About a minute." She finished, Isla, Xavier and Leo following her gaze and seeing them, slowly sliding over their plates to Xavier, who happily took the bacon off of them.

"What did you bet on this time?" Kaida asked, slipping into the space beside Xavier, picking up a fork and stabbing one of the bits of bacon, eating it before he could protest. "Hey - you bet on me, so I get some of your reward." She replied, mouth half full.

Charlie had sat on the other side of her, and glanced around. "Can I guess what the bet was on?" He asked. "Or are you planning on telling us."

"Don't go all grumpy, Weasley." Leo chirped as he took another bit of toast. "Just a bit of harmless fun and wondering how long it would take you to shirk your duties when Kai arrived."

"Oh Merlin, not this again." Kaida sighed, finishing her bacon and managing to quickly change the subject. "So does anyone else have Defense Against the Dark Arts first? I want to find out what this Professor Rakepick is all about."

"She's a curse breaker, is she not?" Isla spoke up, putting down her coffee. "Surely she's all about experiences then. What sort of things she's experienced whilst out there curse breaking."

"I reckon she's all talk." Xavier sat forward. "I have her first as well - her first lesson of the year. We get the true first impressions."

"I think she looks like a bitch." Tonks said, rather bluntly and the group paused, staring at her. "You can't tell me she looks nice, I can just tell she's going to be lording those experiences over our heads."

"Has Bill met her?" Kaida asked, turning to Charlie. "He's a Curse-Breaker right? And even though he's over in Egypt now he had to have trained somewhere?"

"I can always ask him? I'll write a letter later when I'm setting up the Quidditch tryouts sign up sheet." Charlie nodded, glancing over at the table then looking back, lowering his voice. "She's sort of a celebrity though, she can't go around training people. Besides, I don't think Bill would've wanted to be associated with someone who's known for eliminating their competition." He hissed.

"Just ask him." Leo shrugged. "Don't think about it too much and just ask him. And try not to be killed by Dana."

"What-" Charlie asked, looking dumbfounded. He hissed in pain and Dana appeared behind him, flicking him on the back of his neck. "I thought I didn't need to hand out anymore!" He looked up at her, but from her expression he knew he was wrong. "Fine, I'm coming." 

As soon as he climbed out of the seat, he was being dragged away, and his friends only laughed as they watched.

Unaware that they were also being watched. By the very woman they were discussing.

𝘀𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸, charlie weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now