Ten: The Royal Cousin

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Chapter Ten

The Royal Cousin

"Did I hear it right? Pippa was in Volterra the whole day yesterday, alone?" The prince asked as he turned a little ashen.

Vittorio Altamari nodded his head as a particular big smile graced his wrinkled kind face. "Yes, and yes, mio caro and your daddy Onong was the one who picked her up instead of Stefano. And from the looks of it, this bit has something to do with the big grin our Fonzy was wearing last night." He stated knowingly.

"T-that's good to hear then," He stammered oddly.

"Did you know that this was her first time setting foot out of the estate since she arrived? She told me, she wanted some time to unwind and be alone and I think it did her good. Although she was nursing a migraine when she got back. The migraine kept her locked in her room until supper. She wasn't able to go down for dinner either so her father ended on bringing food up in the willow room." The Italian man explained lengthily.

It was still so early in the morning, around quarter past six but the two were already up, walking towards the dining hall to have some breakfast.

"It's Sunday today, why are you up so early?" He asked the prince.

"I went for a run, Papa Vitto and now, I'm famished." That's the only time the older man noticed the young monarch's sweaty appearance. He was in his Under Armour running shoes and apparel and has obviously ran long distance over a long period of time.

"I didn't know you were fond of running outdoor now or is your treadmill not working?" He inquired, puzzled with the prince's revelation.

Prince Aaki shook his head, "no, no Pappa Vitto. It's working just fine. I just want some air, that's why I decided to run outside."

"Oh," the wise Italian man has already put two in two together as evident from his slightly twitching mouth. "Fresh air is really the best and feisty ladies too." He added trying not to laugh.

This wasn't lost on the young royalty, "Papa Vitto, all I want is just some fresh air, nothing more." He replied defensively, sulking a little due to the teasing he was getting.

"Hey mio caro, that is just what I've said. Or do I have to know more?" The old man was playing clueless again but the sparkle in his eyes tells it all.

His words were followed by soft rich chuckles making the young man more uncomfortable, "you are thinking too much Prince Aaki." He commented before his chuckles were replaced by happy whistling.

When the odd pair reached the dining hall, Vittorio Altamari, immediately spotted its lone occupant, Pippa Arias. The petite architect was also in her running gear, also sweaty but still looking rather stunning.

"Oh, there's your fresh air," He whispered. A little too loud making sure that the Prince could hear him.

"W-what?" As expected, Prince Aaki reacted a little over the top.

"Nothing, it's nothing. A while ago, your brain is working on the double and now, it's your sense of hearing that is a bit faulty, mio caro." Papa Vitto continued teasing the awkward young man.

He waved his hand in a dismissing manner as if saying that it was nothing and the prince has no reason to be agitated or whatsoever. However, the next thing he did is totally the opposite.

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