Five: The Hazel-Eyed Doll

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Chapter Five

The Hazel-Eyed Doll

That night, the prince was kept awake by his vivid thoughts about a certain petite hazel-eyed lady. Even to himself, he couldn't deny that he's a tad bit– no, he's deeply worried about the feisty woman lying distraught inside the Willow room.

To his great bewilderment, the funny girl then and the stubborn full-grown woman now equally interest him in the strangest and most unexpected way.

Before he met her three years ago, he was convinced that his future, particularly marriage, will solely depend on his father's decision. He knew that as his legitimate and rightful heir, he should marry someone who belongs to royal families just like himself.

However, when he met Pippa and learned how she lived her life after her mother passed away, inspiration and hope sprang within him. He too hoped that he can live a life he dreamt of, live a simple and normal life. A life free from the norms dictated by the rules of monarchy or the least, dictated by the people around him.

The young prince could still remember it clearly, the day he first met her. It was a wet November afternoon in the most unlikely place, a memorial park. They have no plans of being seen or announcing their presence. All they want was for his Daddy 'Onong to be able to send his estranged wife off in secrecy, silence and peace.

But a whisper in the wind, made him ran to her as soon as he saw how pale and distraught she was. Something in her called out to him and at once, he came running to her instinctively, without even thinking.

He has seen a lot of beautiful women in the past yet they look all the same to him until he saw this petite lady who walks like a warrior but looks like an enchantress.

In accordance to the invisible manual of male physical preference, Pippa is not just easy in the eyes but she can also fuel the pleasure of one's masculine fantasy.

The woman can be cute and enticing at the same time without even trying. She has these huge hazel eyes that reach out to you. Sensual lips that smile modestly or wantonly if she wants to. And a face that is alluringly tame until you find out how stubborn and feisty, she can be.

There is something in her that entices and captivates his consciousness making him deeply compelled by her mere scent and voice.

And even after three years, a big part of him still has this unexplainable affinity to her. That is the main reason why he personally supervised her route from Manila to Florence. It was his decision to fly her to Casablanca instead of bringing her straight to Tuscany. And until now, he has no idea why.

      This gave him a lot of immigration paperworks but it's all worth it, flying back to his beloved Chianti with Pippa by his side.

All he knew was that since he has to be in Casablanca during that time, she should be there too so she could travel with him and no one else.

He has seen her first at the Casablanca airport without the knowledge of the Italian man. He has observed her for over an hour while sitting alone on the patio at the villa in Anfa and at dawn break, he spied on her as she was doing her morning walk around the courtyard.

"I need a new pastime, perhaps a diversion, maybe because I'm extremely bored," he tried to rationalize the reasons behind his unusual hobby nowadays.

But then he recalled how the woman looked like aboard the family plane. She was dressed modestly in long wide pants and long-sleeved blazer but these pieces were unable to down play her body contours, her perky breast and even her sweet round behind.

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