Seventeen: The Persistent Suitor

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The Persistent Suitor

It's been almost a fortnight since their Monte Carlo trip, yet the lady architect remained formal and distant to Prince Aaki. Pippa is beyond determined to not cross that line ever again.

However, to avoid any questions from both Papa Vitto and her father, she makes sure that she looked at ease with the prince every time the two older men are with them.

Like now, they were having another meeting about the selection of next recipients for the Joining Hands Habitat. "What do you think about the criteria number three Architect Arias?" The prince asked.

For a short while, she glanced at the young royalty. "I certainly agree with Papa Vitto. Families with babies and elderlies should be prioritized first. Families with all adult and young adult members could fend easier for themselves unlike those with members that are totally dependent on their parents or in the case of the elderlies, totally dependent on their children." She replied as she subtly panned her gaze towards the old Italian man.

The men in the room nodded their heads and this was what Pippa is waiting for. "To be honest, I really don't see any reason why I should be here. You three are the authority about things like these so if you'll excuse me, I really need to work on something." The young woman announced as she stood up from her seat.

"Is this the project you ask me about last week?" The old adviser inquired. The lady architect and her father bobbed their heads. "Okay then, you may go."

"Papa Vitto, your highness, papa..." She bowed a little and turned to exit the prince's study.

Alfonso Arias smiled at his only child, "See you later, nugget." The man is not at all embarrassed of showing his affection to his daughter, in fact, he always does this every chance he gets because it makes him happy.

Obviously, the prince has no idea of what the three is talking about. He wasn't informed about this project. Not to appear too interested, he kept his mouth shut.

He has felt the coldness of the head architect towards him but he too, is determined to avoid her. Their last encounter had turned him to some hormonal teenager and that doesn't sit on him well.

After what happened, he has to be in his best behavior or else many will get hurt and he's sure that it would only create chaos and disaster.

The meeting continued for a few more minutes but the prince's mind kept on going back to Pippa's project. This thought kept on messing with his concentration and so he can no longer understand what Papa Vitto is discussing.

"Wait, wait, pardon my prying but what is this project?" The young royalty blurted out all of a sudden. He has to know or this whole meeting would be useless.

Deep creases were formed on both Vittorio and Alfonso's forehead. The two were a little confused too. "What do you mean, your highness?" The Italian man asked.

"I believe, we are still with the Syrian families, your highness." The tutor readily replied.

"No, no, I mean the project that concerns Architect Arias. What is this project?" He asked forwardly, not caring if he sounded too nosy.

Alfonso Arias slightly tilted his head as he glanced at the older man across him. "Oh that, it is about..." But he was cut by the old adviser.

"I think you should ask Pippa yourself, your highness. This wonderful project is all her idea. I think everyone will like it especially the parents here in the vineyard." The Italian stated with a big smile plastered on his kind face.

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