Six: The Connection

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Chapter Six

The Connection

Despite those numerous short encounters with her father, the past two weeks had been relatively good and productive for Pippa. Each time, in her utmost ability, she tried to be as polite as possible. She may be distant but she's neither rude nor brass.

This may appear all right on the young woman's part but not for Alfonso Arias. These encounters didn't sit well with the middle–aged man, instead it made him more hurt and frustrated.

"It's been a fortnight but she's still as cold as ever. My own daughter treats me like a stranger, she even called me sir a couple of times." The man groused, looking down and out.

They are having their usual after work chat and currently, Alfonso Arias was seated inside the young prince's office with the prince himself and Vittorio Altamari. It was an early Friday night and there's nothing to do but sit and relax.

The Old Italian man who's pacing back and forth slowly halted and turned on Pippa's father. "I know how hard it is for you but you've got to give her more time. Consider this as a good thing, at least now, you get to see and talk to her all the time."

"I agree with Papa Vitto, daddy Onong. She's here with you and that is what matters. You have waited long for this and I think, waiting for a couple of months more won't hurt." The young royalty added.

Although the middle-aged man nodded his head, one can totally see that he's still melancholy and confused. "How is she, anyway?" He inquired trying to be a little optimistic.

The prince didn't dare answer this question. He may have spoken many times with the young woman but all are awkward and stiff except for that one afternoon when they talked about Kahlil Gibran.

Many times, he too becomes a bit annoyed with the young woman's manner and ways. There is no denying that Pippa is kind but she has this ability to hold grudges for so long as evident by her coldness towards him and her own father.

Thankfully, the Italian man was there to answer Alfonso's query. "Oh, she's doing really good. In fact, she made this method of organizing our projects according to priority and geographical location. And I think her busyness helped her forget her pain and anger. She smiles a lot now, at least when she's around me." Vittorio Altamari shared.

But instead to being glad, Alfonso Arias' face dropped. He had never seen his own daughter smile since she arrived at the vineyard estate. Something negative stirred inside him but he remained quiet.

"That's a good sign I think." The prince interjected supporting the old man's words.

"Although, she's still as cold and formal as before when dealing with me. I've done pretty much everything to make her feel at ease but all have been rather futile." He added truthfully totally contradicting his statement earlier.

The Arias man inhaled deeply, "At least she's talking to you two. All she does around me is nod and shake her head. A normal day would be quite amazing and great if I manage to get a verbal yes or a no out of her."

The two other men looked at each other because they knew fully well what the frustrated man is talking about. Pippa automatically turns into some mute person as soon as her father comes near her. They know it's a bit childish but who are they to question the young woman's coping and adapting mechanism.

"I really don't know what to do anymore. This waiting game is so difficult and unfair. She's so near and yet still so far. All I want is to have my little girl back but with what's happening, I'm losing hope. Louise was right after all. Pippa grew up not needing me. My wife maybe out of our lives but she has succeeded in turning my own daughter against me." He couldn't help but pour his heart out.

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