Eight: The Misfortune

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Chapter Eight

The Misfortune

He just got hold of the edge of a thick blanket, when all the lights went off. From the small receiving room, a dreadful short yelp sounded followed by a shaking voice calling his name.

"Aaki, are you there? Where are you, Aaki? Aaki," The owner of the voice half yelled, obviously terrified by the sudden pitch darkness.

Upon hearing Pippa, the young monarch grabbed hold of the thick fabric and pulled it with all his might. "Stay by the fire place. I'll come to you." He replied relishing the sound of his name coming from the young woman's mouth, Aaki- not prince Aaki not your highness, just Aaki. It sounded so normal and somewhat liberating for him.


An image of Pippa from weeks ago, scantily clad in a short towel and still damp with shower water- invaded his consciousness.

"Aaki...," she called again. Oddly, it came out too breathy for the young man taking him back to square one again, all worked up and slightly shaking with desire. It sounded too ambrosial for his liking, it's like having tiny orgasms.

"Talk to me, where are you?" Pippa continued to call out not caring if she sounded too clingy.

"I'm coming, just stay where you are," The prince replied back feeling all hot but also concern with the woman's state.

For the nth time tonight, he adjusted his pants before he retraced his steps back in the dark. With all the lights out, the place automatically changed into a dark cavern. Good thing, he had already started the fire.

He was just a few steps away from the fireplace when Pippa came out of nowhere. Without any warning, she threw herself against his broad chest.

"It's so dark and I heard some rustlings and scratching. Are you sure it's safe to stay here? How about the wild animals from the woods? Bear or mountain lion or other wild cats?" She muttered as she pressed herself against his body.

The man was pleasantly shocked with the young woman's action. It's obvious that she was so frightened that she had forgotten the proper decorum.

The heavenly-scented petite woman in front of him, heightened his senses hundred folds leaving him profoundly impassioned...again! He was fully clothed, cover in thick jumper but he could perfectly feel the intoxicating warmth of her skin, the softness of her body and the perkiness of her proud breast.

The sensation was beyond maddening but he has to stay strong or else he might take her right there and then, in the middle of her mother's forest cabin.

Suddenly, a terrifying thunder echoed in the darkness making the petite woman more agitated. Like a scared kitten, she pushed her body closer to the man, arms around him and belly, pressed hard against his crotch area.

"Oh, good Lord, make it stop please, please." He could hear her praying in a rattled voice.

"Good Lord," Prince Aaki whispered breathlessly as Pippa's belly area grinded against the man's groin part, rendering him even more out of air.

"Architect Arias," he tried his hardest to open his mouth. All his blood had rushed down south and it's making him slightly light-headed. He could feel his desire growing again and it's only a matter of second before the woman would be aware of it.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry your highness." Pippa eventually came back to reality. Turning, scarlet from head to toe, she apologized profusely. "Forgive me, your highness."

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