Eighteen: The Tale of Father and Child

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Chapter Eighteen

The Tale of Father and Child

      The following week, everyone seemed to be very busy especially the prince. It's been days since Pippa last saw him from far across the dining hall. Also, they haven't spoken in weeks since he approached her asking about her "secret" project.

      "Is he out of the country or out of town? Or is he's just ashamed to show his lying face?" She asked unaware that she has said it out loud.

      "Who?" Her father immediately inquired, lifting his gaze from the book he was currently reading. Thankfully, the Arias man wasn't able to catch the last part since he has his usual serene demeanor.

      For a second, Pippa faltered. Instinctively, she schooled her features and turned to face her father. "Prince Aaki, I need to consult him about the final touches on the model houses for Bulgaria." The young lady replied.

      This bit is partially true. She really needed approval about the house color and the details of the roof. These things seemed shallow and little but the young prince really wanted to see these things because this will contribute a big part on the overall look of Joining Hands Habitat in Bulgaria.

      "Oh, Aaki, he's spending time with Belle since the poor girl misses him a lot." The man volunteered the information in a most casual way.

      However, the name Belle sent painful jabs on the lady architect's stomach. "Who is Belle? Is she from around here? Where are they? Are they out of the country or out of town? Is it only the two of them? For how long?" She was unable to held back as the painful jabs became more frequent.

      "Whoa, whoa! One at a time nugget," her father chuckled as he put down the book he's reading and straightened his seat.

       He looked at her daughter in a weird way. "Is there a problem, Pippa?" He asked tentatively, unsure what to think of the young woman's not so subtle reaction.

      "Nothing Papa, don't mind me, it's just curiosity on my part. I've always thought that the prince has no friends that is all." She replied quickly, too quick for her drumming heart. Deliberately, she diverted her gaze afraid that her father might see the truth in her eyes.

     "Belle is..." But the talking man was cut short by his daughter's urgent speech again. "No, Papa, it's none of my business. I'm sorry for prying too much." She added, heart still drumming like crazy.

       Again, her father chuckled. "It's alright nugget, it's not prying. Belle is like family. Bellance Fiore is one of the prince's only childhood friends. The two are really close since they practically grew up together."

      Something inside her sank but a small part of her also became a little happier because of the word childhood friend. "Where is Belle from?" She tried her best to sound casual and she succeeded effortlessly.

     "Belle is the daughter of Amalea Fiore, one of the many housekeepers here at the estate. She's a beautiful blond girl but at the age six, if I'm not mistaken, an illness took away her sense of sight. Everyone was heartbroken then, especially the prince. It's really difficult to see a young spirited girl turned to some sad helpless individual."

      Two words struck Pippa, blond and took away. "So, this Belle is blind? How old is she?" The curious architect couldn't help but asked more questions.

      Suddenly, her vision was filled with an image of a beautiful blond woman in big dark glasses. The same woman walking alongside the prince in Volterra a couple of months back.

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