Eleven: The Grand Prix

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Chapter Eleven

The Grand Prix

"Why do I have to be there Papa while you and Papa Vitto get to stay here? I definitely have no business there." Pippa complained to her father.

Over the weeks, the relationship between father and daughter began to blossom beautifully making the tutor beyond elated.

The young woman was still as confused as before, not only with the Prince's actions and words but also with her own emotion. She couldn't fathom where this irrational jealousy was coming from. Does she like him that way? Or has she already fallen for him without her knowing it?

After the incident in Volterra, Alfonso Arias presence became Pippa's anchor. She began to warm up to him and this made the latter more than grateful. Gradually. the bitterness receded and was replaced by genuine fondness and new found gratitude towards her father.

The two began to talk more and found out that most of the young lady's ways and favorites are indeed from her father, one of which is her love for poetry and for cheese and champignon omelette.

"According to Aaki, you have to be there. The two of you will be doing an ocular visit. They found a good location for a future site for another Joining hand Habitat. He needs your expertise, especially now that they learned that this land doesn't come cheap. I think, you really have to be there, nugget." Alfonso Arias replied while staring at his daughter's crumpled face.

"Dang royal generosity!" The lady architect murmured as she let out a sigh, loud enough to be heard by her father. If this is really the case, she knew that she really has to be there and that means no excuse for her.

In response, Fonzy chuckled richly, regaled and amused with his daughter's smart mouth. "If you're really against it, just think of it as a rest and recreational trip. Monaco is home to one of the most beautiful and amazing architectural scenes in the world. And I promise you, it will be all worth your precious little time."

This statement lit the architect's face considerably. She had heard and studied about Monaco but completely forgotten due to her annoyance to the prince.

This piece of information became her little beacon of light. And since she couldn't do anything about it, she might as well just go with the flow and make it as pleasurable as possible for her.

Pippa exhaled heavily. "Okay fine, you win," she smiled a bit and continued eating breakfast.

"Thank you for doing this. I didn't promise anything to the prince but I told him that I will try to convince you." The man confessed.

Two days ago, when this travel news was broken to her, she turned it down in a snap. The last thing she wanted was another trip with the Prince so she exhausted all the possible alibis known to men just to escape this business trip.

She nodded, "No, no, you are right dad. This is a great opportunity for me. I have studied Monaco and its architectural heritage back in college and it's truly one of the best. I'm glad that you talked to me about this." She reached for her father's hand and squeezed it lightly.

Alfonso Arias studied his daughter's face for a long time before opening his mouth again. "Please forgive me for prying, my nugget." He started.

"Is there a problem with you and Aaki?" He asked lowly, faltering a bit when Pippa raised her head and looked directly at him.

He cleared his throat shakily, wanting to take back his question. "I m-mean, like conflict about work? Is he giving you a hard time? Is he being unreasonably strict?" The man wanted to help his daughter in any way he can since he could clearly see that there is something bothering her.

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