Fifteen: The Inebriated Royalty

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The Inebriated Royalty

The whole group, the old and young gentlemen including Pippa ended inside a grand restaurant in the heart of Monte Carlo. "It's so nice of you lads to join us." Signore Leoni commented as they sat at an extremely long table.

"It's our pleasure to dine with you gentlemen and thank you for inviting us, Signore." Mason Oliver bowed slightly towards the old Italian man from Padova.

"Pippa's friends are also our friends." The handsome Signore De Luca added.

Both the heads of the table were occupied by two old gentlemen, Signore Bernini and Signore Leoni so most of the young men looked at the young monarch. As a crown prince, Prince Aaki must always be seated at the head of the table.

This was an honest mistake on the part of the old men since no one in the group knew that the tall man is a royalty.

Discreetly, Prince Aaki signal his friends to keep quiet just let it go. This may rather be rude for some royalties but for him it meant nothing. In fact, he was kind of thankful because he blended in really well with the young group. Although, the Rashid brothers were still by his side occupying a smaller table situated at the back of his chair.

"Will you seat with me bambina?" Signore Leoni raised his hand and motioned the seat on his left side.

"Sure Signore," Pippa immediately pulled the chair next to the old man and sat with a happy smile. And like lightning, both Prince Aaki and Min-Woo scrambled on their feet, taking the chair next to Pippa. However, the Prince proved to be faster.

Min Woo wasn't fazed by this instead he took this a challenge. He didn't know what's truly going on between the prince and the architect and this made him a little hopeful.

He may have lost the chair next to Pippa but the seat across her is still empty. He regarded this a sign so with pure gratitude he immediately took the said seat and gave Pippa a brilliant smile.

This wasn't lost on the prince and this annoyed him more. Pippa on the other hand, appeared to be oblivious and so are the younger gentlemen.

"Where are you staying in Italy, bambina? Maybe one day we can visit you, me and my wife." Signore Leoni inquired smiling warmly at the petite lady.

As a sign of courtesy, Pippa glanced at the prince before replying. "I live in Tuscany Signore, in a vineyard in Chianti owned by Prin..." She was promptly cut off by the man on her right before she could finish her words.

"My late mother and I owned a small vineyard Signore. Architect Arias' father happens to be a trusted colleague so they are both staying at the vineyard with me." He is obviously against the idea of exposing his true identity to these gentlemen.

His tone is low and kind, no hint of arrogance or gall. This made Pippa realized how the Prince value his privacy. "I've been to Chianti numerous times, it's a beautiful place, serene and laidback."

Both the prince and the architect nodded at this. "So, you young man, is in the wine industry. What brings you to Monte Carlo?" Signore Russo asked clearly interested with the topic.

"Oh, just small businesses here and there." The young monarch answered briefly.

"You see lads, Pippa here reminds me of my only child, same eye color, same complexion and same body built. Her name was Therese. We lost her twenty years ago to a terrible heart ailment. She was born with it so we can't do anything about it. My Therese was a fighter, she had undergone six major heart surgeries but still, in the end, we lost her." Signore Leoni's eyes turned glassy so hastily, Pippa reached for his right hand and squeezed it lightly.

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