{Luke Skywalker} Friends, but Nothing More

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After months of denying the truth, you had finally come to terms with the fact that you loved Luke Skywalker. The Jedi had caught your eye from day one, but after becoming close friends, you realized being friends would never be enough for you.

      Tonight was your chance to finally tell him how you truly felt about the way he made you feel complete, like the last piece of a puzzle. It all fit together so perfectly.

      You were a grinning mess all through your shift. While both your superior officer and your wing mate made mention of the brightness in your eyes and the new pep in your step, you didn't let it get to you, deciding that their teasing was only a distraction to cause unnecessary worry.

      Across the hangar, Luke Skywalker landed his X-Wing, hopping out with one of his bright smiles wide on his face. You felt your heart melt a little as he winked at you and walked towards you, "You're in a good mood."

You chuckled, "My favorite person in the whole galaxy just returned home after a long mission, how could I not be?"

He laughed, "Your favorite?"

You nodded, "Yeah. In fact, I needed to talk to you about something."

This was it, all you had to do was go through with the plan.

"Luke, we have been friends for a while now but I couldn't help but fall head over heels for you. I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me?"

There. It was done, and you managed to do it without stuttering, just like you had practiced with Han.

Luke's face fell, as you spoke. He knew that this was coming. Despite your best efforts, he was able to spot the signs of a crush, but he hadn't thought anything of it at the time. He was still in love with the Alderaan princess that he and Han had saved just a few months ago. He had told you about the whole ordeal, but this felt as if you hadn't heard him at all.

"____, I-I can't. You know that."

You stopped in your tracks. There was no way he still loved her. Right?

"I still love Leia, ____. After all this time, I can only hope she loves me too. I've decided to wait for her, no matter how long it takes. I'm in it for the long haul."

      Shattered wasn't a strong enough word to describe how your heart felt at the sound of those words. Your world was falling apart, little by little, piece by piece. You wanted to cry, yell, or scream, but you couldn't as your throat tightened and you began to tremble, holding back the sobs that threatened to overtake you like a tsunami on a shore.

      Despite all of this, you tried to smile and find the strength to support your friend. The words floated out of your mouth, "She'll come around. I know she will. You're a man of great character, surely she will see what she's missing out on." Each syllable felt like a knife, driving into your heart. You loved Luke, more than words could express, but now it was clear. He didn't love you. All you were was a friend. That's all you ever would be to him.

So with a heavy heart and an empty smile, you bid Luke goodnight, knowing deep down that there would be no sleep for you. Instead, it would be another sleepless night, wondering what you did wrong.

author's note
this was inspired by a recent encounter i had. it hurt, but i thought writing it out in this form would help me through it.
May the Force be with you!!
- Sarah

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