{Poe Dameron} Exegol [Request]

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     You sit in the cockpit of your A-Wing starfighter. As you enter Exegol's dark atmosphere, ion cannons fire relentlessly at the Rebel fleet. "Welcome to Exegol." You hear Poe Dameron say sarcastically into the comms.
You chuckle, "All these star destroyers. If they weren't trying to kill us, I'd feel honored." You can hear the groan of your boyfriend above the blasts and fray. "I heard that Dameron."
"Fighters, get to their altitude, they won't be able to fire their cannons without hitting one another. Ground assault, are we set?" Poe orders.
"Yes, General." Finn and Rose reply.
"____, will lead you to that navigation tower. We will provide cover, give it all you've got. We are depending on you."
Both Finn and you answer, "Copy that General."
You go into a dive, clearing the path for the transport trailing closely behind. Once you begin closing in, the tower deactivates. You immediately hear another pilot call out, "The tower has been deactivated." You pull up, unsure of where to go now.
Poe panics for a split second, "What? Then how are they going to guide themselves out of here?"
Finn responds, "The central star destroyer. It has a built in navigation tower." You look to the intimidating destroyer but notice a flaw in his plan.
"Yeah, but how do we get to it? Our fighters can't get that close without the risk of getting fried." You ask.
"I've got an idea about that. Just clear the way, ____. We'll land on the destroyer and take out the tower, then, blow it to hell." Finn answers confidently.
You pause, unsure of this new plan. "Finn..."
Poe confirms Finn's plan, "We don't have a choice, ____. Clear the path." With that, you begin taking down enemy fighters with the ground assault transport hot on my heels. Once they land, you regroup with the rest of your squadron.
You can only watch as fighter after fighter goes down. You make an attempt to reach every pilot before they are shot down, but you can only reach so many in time. Poe notices your attempts and calls out, "____, you can't save them all. Trust me. Pull back and cover the ground assault. We have to remember the mission."
      Sadly, you respond, "Copy that." You have to watch as the X-Wing you were helping goes up in flames. A tear rolls down your cheek. You focus all attention on protecting the ground assault, so much so that you miss the enemy starfighter fly into your blind spot and take out your left thruster.
      You take in a breath and softly cry out, "Poe." Somehow, he hears your voice ring out above the blasts and explosions going on around him. He turns his ship to locate you. He watches as your ship begins to crash into a destroyer. Without a second thought, he races to you at full throttle.
Suddenly, you're back on D'Qar. You see through third person how the two of you met. You weren't a Resistance pilot back then. You were an engineer who only applied yourself by limiting yourself to repairing droids. It wasn't until Black One needed repairs that you got your moment to shine. In fact, you designed an extra thruster that fit perfectly on the back of the X-Wing. You hadn't noticed how he was watching you the whole time as you worked, invented, and spilled oil all over your uniform, twice. After you finished his ship, he introduced himself and offered you a ride in the improved ship. The memory makes you smile.
     Next, you see the first time he let you pilot. It had been a disaster, but he had picked you up, put you on your feet, and encouraged you not to give up. He was the reason you had the strength to get through pilot training. He claimed it was because you had learned from the best. You would never admit that he was right.
     Lastly, you see Poe and Finn as they address the entire fleet on Ajan Kloss after the death of General Leia Organa but before this current battle. "Today we make our last stand. For the galaxy. For Leia. For everyone we've lost." Your smile only widens as he looks at you and gives you one of his signature winks.
     Poe reaches you with just enough time to spare. You snap back to reality to see him mouthing something at you. You aren't able to understand due to your fried comms. He points at the wing of his X-Wing, and you catch the idea. It's an old trick that most daring stunt pilots would try but often failed. You swallow deeply as you pop your cockpit open and take a  leap of faith onto his left wing. You jump in time to escape the same fate as your fighter, which crashes into the hull of a star destroyer. "Hold on, ____." You hear him say, somewhat strained. He evens out and you finish crawling over to his cockpit. Poe opens it enough for you to crawl in and sit in the "half" seat behind him. You let out a deep breath.
     "I thought you said we couldn't save everyone." You say, bewildered that he would come after you like that.
     He responds by turning to face you, "If you think for a second that I'm ever going to give up on you. You don't know me. I love you, ____. I will always come back for you." He turns back to the battle.
     He drops you off with the ground assault. "Stay safe, General." You say.
     "You too, Commander." He smirks before taking off once more into the fray.

A/N I have been waiting FOREVER to write about Rise of Skywalker. It was a true Star Wars movie, and I feel like it has successfully concluded my childhood. I loved almost every part of it. This was a joy to write, so shout out to @vinhadora100 for this request.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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