{Armitage Hux} Did You Mean It?

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Ever since Kylo Ren assumed the position of Supreme Leader, he has made General Armitage Hux's life a living hell. When he finally returns to your shared quarters each night, he's exhausted, stressed out, and extremely moody. You hate seeing him this way, so you do your best to help him, but often times, he's collapsed on the bed before you can even get off your shift as a First Order commander.
Tonight is no different. You come home, late as always, to find him passed out on the king sized bed. You smile softly at him as he begins to talk in his sleep. It's not something he does very often. He only sleep talks on his worst days.
"____, don't. I know I haven't been here much but please. I can't—" He says groggily.
You quickly turn around at the mention of your name. It must be a nightmare. Quietly, you set down you towel down on the edge of the bed and silently walk on the balls of your feet to where he lays. You are extra careful not to startle him, because the last time you tried to forcefully wake him from a nightmare, it ended with bruises up your right arm. You knew he never meant to hurt you, but it still made you think twice about waking him.
"No. No, please no. I can't lose her." His facial features change to fear while he sleeps.
At that point, you decide you have to wake him. Gently, you sit on his side of the bed and run your hands through his flaming red hair.
He begins to stir, but continues to mutter softly, "I love you, ____."
You stop instantly. Did he just say—. Suddenly, Hux sits upright and harshly grips your arm. You let out a small squeak. Immediately, he lets go.
"____, I could've hurt you. You can't scare me like that." He says with a sigh.
"I'm sorry. I just heard you having a nightmare." You say with your head down.
He smiles, "Thank you, but I think I can handle my nightmares. Besides, I face the nightmare who calls himself the Supreme Leader everyday. You don't need to worry." He rolls back on his side and tries to fall back to sleep.
Without thinking you blurt out. "Did you mean it?"
He props himself up on his elbow to look at you. With an eyebrow raised, he asks, "Mean what?"
You look down at your feet, slightly embarrassed, "Nothing. That wasn't supposed to fly out of my mouth."
"Love, you know you can tell me anything." He says knowingly.
You meet his gaze and almost whisper, "You said you love me."
"____, you know I can't understand you when you only whisper."
You take a deep breath and finally manage to say, "While you were sleep talking, you said you love me. Did you mean it?"
He fully sits up and takes your hands in his. "Every word." He then pulls you to him, connecting your lips to his. He pulls back and rests his forehead on yours. "I love you, ____. To be honest with you, my nightmare was about losing you. If I lost you, I'd be no better than that child in a mask. I'm sorry for worrying you."
You smile and reply, "It's okay. I'm here. I'll always be right here." You say as you place your finger on the spot where his heart is beating out of his chest. "I love you, Armitage."
"I love you too, ____."
You stand up to go shower, and he rolls over and quickly goes back to sleep. This time, he doesn't have a single nightmare.

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