{Kylo Ren} [Request]

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     "____ Dameron! Get your ass in here right now! You and I have a problem." Your brother yells at you as you leave the training room.
Being the little sister of Poe Dameron isn't as fun as it sounds. Sure, it's nice to have a big brother on base that you can always talk to, but most of the time, you feel like you live in his shadow. He's a great brother, but it's hard being looked over because of your brother's shining glory.
     Eventually, it got to be too much and you requested to be transferred to another outpost in the Outer Rim. Poe and you had fought about the decision for a whole week. Right before you left, the two of you mended the rift torn between the two of you, but it left a small hole in your heart as you left that day.
For months, you looked for something that was real to fill the hole. At the new outpost, you falsified your name, so only high ranking officials really knew who you were and you started trying to blend in. You didn't show off your piloting skills like your brother often did; you switched gears and took the engineer path. You found a love for designing new inventions for the Resistance to use. In fact, you engineered the extra thruster that was later placed on Black One. However, the hole was still there. It wasn't until a close encounter with the First Order did that hole ever feel filled.
You spin around and face Poe, "What, Poe? What more is there to even say? It's obvious you won't listen to me. Why come after me? Huh?" You snap at him.
He sighs, "Just start from the beginning. How did you even meet the trai—guy?"
You make sure he's being sincere before you begin. "Alright, but no questions until I'm done. Understood?" He nods.
     "I was at my new outpost for about a month before the First Order attacked. I wasn't going to get involved until I noticed an extra X-Wing that hadn't taken off. Well, against my better judgement, I jumped in the cockpit and took off to fight. When I reached the point above the cloud layer covering the planet, I immediately noticed our slim chances. Amongst all of the TIEs, there was one ship that was slaughtering our fighters. Naturally, I went after it. I figured if I could take him down that we would stand more a chance, however, I was wrong."
     "I managed to get behind him and fire off two ion missiles. He evaded one, but not the other which caused him to spin in a downward spiral to the ground. Not a moment later, a TIE flew into my blind spot and shot me down as well. I ended up crashing near the other pilot I had shot down."
     Poe interrupts, "Let me guess, you met the leader of the ENTIRE First Order in the woods and hit it off with a normal conversation despite the fact that your friends are above you dying?!"
     I roll my eyes, "No, in fact, I shot him straight up in the leg before he even said a word to me, jerk. Okay, back to the story."
"So I crashed on the ground and scrambled from my starfighter as it caught fire. When I managed to get out, I noticed a black figure walking towards me. I recognized him as Kylo Ren and open fired. I got a shot to his leg, disabling him, but when I started to run off, I had this gut feeling like I couldn't just leave him there."
     Poe throws up his hands, "So you went back and helped him? ____, are you insane?! He could have killed you!"
     I argue, "That's the thing. He could have, but he didn't." Poe puts his hands on his hips like a child pouting. I continue, "When I walked back over to him, he let me help him back to the base. I wasn't sure why, but I was very cautious with the situation. Once we reached base, we had him in the detention center waiting to be transferred to D'Qar. While in the detention center, he would only speak to me, which we all found very odd, but they sent me in anyway. He opened up to me, well kinda, and never once lied to me. Of course he wouldn't freely give any vital information, but he would confirm or deny certain intel we had received. When the day of the transfer came, so did the First Order. Our base was attacked once more and Kylo escaped. However, before he left, he asked me to come with him. I told him I couldn't abandon my family, my friends, and my beliefs. He had nodded and said that he'd keep in touch—"
"Of course, which you've been hiding from me and the rest of the Resistance," Poe retorts.
"Anyway, that night, he was able to contact me through the Force. Neither of us are one hundred percent certain how it happened, but he was there in my quarters with me. It was so strange. What was even stranger was how he treated me like a human being, not Poe's little shadow. It was so nice to feel like I was understood for once. That's how we hit it off."
Poe stands dumbfounded, "You feel like my shadow?"
"Poe, I always have. No matter where I go, I'm pointed out as Poe's sister, the golden boy's shadow, the Resistance's pet pilot. I hate it, but I bear it because I'm not here just for the people, I'm here to fight for the cause," I finally say.
I'm wrapped in a tight hug, "I'm sorry, ____. I didn't know you felt that way."
I smile up at him, "Poe, it's not your fault. I know you hate the idea of me and Kylo, but I see something in him that you all don't, hope."
Poe sighs, "If that's how you really feel, I can't deny my baby sister love. I can't support it, but I won't fight you on it, unless it gets out of hand. I love you, sis. Remember that."
"Sisters take of brothers." I say remembering an old phrase our mother taught us.
"And brothers take care of sisters." He finishes. "Be careful." With that he walks away. I notice Kylo's figure watching from behind where Poe stands.
He chuckles, "That was beautiful."
I walk over to him, "It was, wasn't it? Still, he hates you."
Kylo shrugs, "Can't hope for too much."

A/N Request by @DanniG2007. I changed the prompt slightly. I hope you all are staying safe and doing well.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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