Chapter Seven

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A/N tell me if there's any errors💙
(Edit: If you see updates it's cause I was told of an error so thank you!)

Eren's POV

The car ride back to my place was quiet, the only sound being the hum of the car engine. Around half way there I sucked in a breath, finally gaining enough courage to speak up. "Was that... the guy you were talking about?" I asked in a quiet tone. "Erwin or something?"

He didn't reply. Instead, he kept driving, ignoring me and focusing on the road ahead. I turned my gaze away and to the window once I realized he wasn't going to respond. After that, I didn't speak again until he had parked the car, waiting for me to leave.

I tried to look at him for a moment, study his face and see what was going on in his head, but when he never looked back at me I gave up, unbuckling and grabbing my things. "I'm sorry," My voice was small, cracking as I tried hiding the fact that I was choking back tears, a lump quickly forming in my throat. I held my breath when I saw Levi look over at me. For just a moment I thought I could see his eyes soften a bit, but then it was gone as he turned and looked forward again, out the front window. I sniffed, taking that as my cue to leave the car.

Once I was inside I gave my mom a small 'hello' before racing upstairs to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I threw my backpack to the floor as I took my shoes off and hopped in bed, wrapping myself up in blankets. Only then did I finally let the tears out. I tried not to make much noise and disturb anyone, but it was hard between breaths not to let out a quiet little sob every now and then.

A couple minutes passed by and I'd finally gained control of myself again. Of course, I still had tears, but I wasn't crying as hard as before. I heard a knock on my door, instantly causing my body to tense up. I only realized I wasn't breathing when I quickly wiped up the tears from my cheeks.

"Eren? It's me, can I come in?" I heard Mikasa's muffled voice come through my door. I shut my eyes tight, another tear falling down onto my pillow.

"I don't wanna talk right now," I called out from under the blankets, sounding as normal as I could without having my voice shake.

A second later I heard my door creak open and I sighed, pulling the blanket further over my head. "Didn't you hear me? Go away."

"Not till you tell me what's wrong." I could feel the end of my bed sink down slightly as she sat on it.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes as I let out a dry laugh. "You just never know when to give people space, do you?"

"Eren," I heard her begin. "I know you're crying. Please, just come out from under the blankets and talk to me. You've been really secretive these past couple weeks, like you're hiding something."

I grew stiff as she spoke. It's true, I hadn't told my family that I met my soulmate, the only person I've told was Armin. I didn't know how they'd react. Not only was he a guy, but an older guy. I wasn't even out to my family. Not only that, he was a guy that already had a soulmate before me. I pulled my knees up to my chest hugging them close. No, I don't suppose he had a soulmate before me, but he was definitely Erwin's soulmate before I came along, even if Erwin wasn't his.

"Please, just leave me alone, Mikasa," I asked, hoping for once she'd actually listen to me and respect my wishes.

"Eren," she trailed off.

I could hear by her tone that she wasn't going to leave. I rolled my eyes, sitting up in a fury and throwing the blankets off of me.

"Fine. Let's talk," I said in a sarcastic and bitter tone. "I found my soulmate, but he already thought he found his till the guy died and the last words didn't match up. Then I went and fucked everything up so I too might as well not even be his soulmate so will you please just fucking leave me alone now?"

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