Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N tell me if there's any errors💙

Levi's POV

When Eren ran away, I stood there for a couple seconds, still not really sure what just happened or why he'd run off without me. In the end I shrugged it off and walked my way back over to Erwin's grave. I'd been there many times before, but never with Eren.

During the first few weeks after I'd met Eren I would come every now and then, talking to Erwin's grave, as if he could hear me. If I'm honest I don't really know what to believe when it comes down to the afterlife. I wanted to hope that Erwin was still there, watching over or listening to me when I went on rants to his grave about this annoying new boy who claimed to be my soulmate, but the truth is I didn't know and I didn't really want to know.

I sighed, taking a seat at his grave as I waited for Eren to return. I felt silly talking to his grave as if he could hear me, but in a sense it was almost therapeutic to do it. "Listen. . . Remember that stupid kid I told you about?" I say so quietly that I could barely hear my own words. "I will always love you of course but, Eren is my. . . I love him. I didn't want too. Believe me, I tried not too, but it just happened. He makes me happy though. Sometimes I can see you in him and it makes me a little sad, but I'm glad I've found him because I don't know if I would've been able to live the rest of my life alone if I hadn't."

I take in a shaky breath, pressing my palm to the cold, smooth surface of his grave. "I hope you're okay with this. Eren has helped me move on more than I could have asked for. I hope you're happy wherever you are. . . I'm happy. For the first time in almost two years, I'm happy because of him." I hear the sound of footsteps coming up from the side of me in the gravel and I look up, taking my hand off the grave and see Eren walking towards me. "There's the brat now."

Eren gives me a scowl and I smirk, assuming he heard me. I stand up brushing my pants off. "What were you doing?" I ask.

Eren clears his throat and gives me a warm smile. "Well, I know you bought the flowers for my parents," he says before holding out two of the lilies. "But I figured taking two from them wouldn't hurt their feelings to much if it meant sharing them with Erwin."

I stare up at the boy, instantly lost in his eyes. I could practically feel my heart skip a beat when I noticed the little sparkle in his eyes that'd been missing for such a long time now was coming back. It was faint, but I saw it and it was enough to make my entire body relax. I mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before taking the flowers and gently placing them atop Erwin's grave. We stood there for a few minutes more before heading back to give Eren's parents a last goodbye for the day and heading home.


A few months passed and while Eren would have some bad days, he was doing better for the most part. Sure, there'd be days where I came home from work and Eren would be sitting on the floor, surrounded by school work crying about how behind he was or that he was missing his parents, but there were also days where I'd come home surprisingly pleased with the amount of work he'd done around the house and he'd happily greet me with a warm smile. He'd gone back to school and was trying his best to keep up, going over to Armin's frequently to study for the night.

The days were getting warmer as we began to approach summer so I rolled down my window on my way over to the school from work. I was let go early so I figured I might as well pick Eren up instead of making him walk home like he usually did.

I made sure to text him so he knew to look for me when the last bell rang. "Levi!" I glance around for a moment before I catch sight of Eren's cheery smile as he waved at me from across the parking lot. I hummed in contentment, waving back.

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