Chapter Fifteen

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Tell me if there's any errors. Bonus chapter this week since it's so short💙 (expect the second one tomorrow)

Eren's POV

I open my eyes to the bright morning sun coming in from the window and dancing across my face. I scrunch up my face at the light and shield myself with a hand. Blinking my eyes I start to focus in on my surroundings when my breath hitches in my throat. I'm in Levi's room.

The memories of the night previous flood my memories as I let out a quiet groan, embarrassed for acting so helpless. I should've told him to just bring me home. I lift my hand and touch my forehead. I still felt a little nauseous and very weak, but for the most part, I felt a lot better and my fever seemed to have gone down.

Shifting so that I could lay on my back I start to move but soon freeze when I realize I'm next to Levi, and he's still sleeping. Hesitantly, I turn my head to look behind me as best as I could and see his face inches from my own. Shocked, I let out a little squeak, and thank god he remained asleep.

I relax a bit, smiling to myself as I look at him. His hair was a mess, sticking out this way and that. His mouth was closed as he breathed out his nose slowly. I'd never seen him like this before. So gentle and soft, fragile even.

I slowly inched my way away so that I was able to lay on my back next to him. When I was finally in a comfortable position I looked over at him once more and smiled before grabbing my phone from the nightstand. Suddenly an idea sparked in my mind and I looked over at him again, a grin forming on my face.

I opened up my camera app carefully aiming it so as to get Levi in the shot. "Take a picture and you die."

At this, I almost drop my phone in shock and fear. I quickly turn it off and set it beside me before looking over at Levi. His facial features remained the same, the only difference being his eyes were now open, staring over at me.

"O- Oh. Good morning," I say, trying to ignore the blush I knew was clear on my face.

Levi let out a breath before burying himself in the blankets. My body tenses up when I feel his head press against my arm but I quickly relax. "Are you feeling better?" I hear him say through the blankets.

My heart pounds hearing his morning voice, deep and gentle. I nod then realize he can't see me. "Yeah, a lot thanks to you." He lets out a quiet hum to himself. "How'd you sleep?"

Levi pulls the blankets down off his head and scoots up so that his head is aligned with mine. "Surprisingly, really good."

I grin turning my head to look at him. "That's great, me too." Levi gave me a soft smile, reaching up and brushing a piece of hair out of his eyes.

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster in my chest. We were just inches apart now. I tried my best to keep my eyes on his, but there were times when I accidentally slipped and caught myself looking at his lips. I swallowed hard and bit my lip before turning my gaze to the ceiling for fear of stepping over the line and doing something I'd regret later on.

"I'm sorry you had to take care of me last night," I say. "I'm feeling a lot better though. I mean, I definitely feel weak and I'm still a little nauseous, but for the most part, I'm fine so I can go home now."

I could feel his eyes on me, watching me. He eventually turns his head away and looks forward. "Oh," he says quietly almost to himself. "Okay, if that's what you want."

Of course, it's not what I want. Not at all, but nevertheless I nod in silence. We lay there for a while before Levi gets up telling me he's going to make breakfast before leaving the room. Once we eat breakfast, or more so Levi and Hange have breakfast and I drink some juice, I tell Hange goodbye and Levi takes me home.

Once I'm home Levi turns off the car, staring ahead out the window. I glance over at him a little confused. "Levi? You okay?"

Levi blinks letting out a hum. "Hmm? Oh, yeah." He looks over at me, meeting my eyes. I stare at him for a long time. I could feel the heat returning to my cheeks just like earlier and look away, unable to hold his gaze.

I bite my lip and get out, going to the back of the car and grabbing the projector. I peek in the passenger window and look at Levi once more before telling him goodbye and heading inside.


The rest of the two-week break our school gives us is uneventful. I see Armin a couple of times through the weeks but other than that I don't do much.

More weeks pass by and Levi and I text back and forth, every so often going out places and spending more time together. Each time we see each other I can almost feel him getting closer to me but I don't do anything out of place. I wait for him to make a move in case I accidentally step over the line as Armin would say.

January comes and goes, and February is agonizingly slow. Levi was working more and more it seemed, and I never felt like I was done with homework. Just as I thought I was on top of things, another teacher would send out another huge project for us to complete.

Once February passed by, things got easier though. Sure, school was still stressful and Levi still had to work, but we made time to see each other again. Conveniently, we had a week off at the end of March and the beginning of April because of Easter.

I didn't want to seem over-enthusiastic or anything, but in all truth, I was curious if Levi would do anything for me for my birthday. We had known each other for almost half a year now, and I'd done something for him. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if he did or didn't do anything. Frankly, I don't even know if he remembers my birthday but nevertheless, I still hoped that somewhere, deep down, Levi was planning something.

A/N thank you all so so much for 2k reads you don't know how much it means to me. Also please keep commenting I loveee reading them hehe💙

The Second Soulmate |Ereri AU|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ