Chapter Seventeen

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Levi's POV

"Did you have fun today?" I ask Eren as we sat on a log by the fire in the dark. After we'd finished having dinner it got cold fairly quickly so we changed into our pajamas and stayed by the fire, wrapping ourselves in a blanket and huddling together.

Eren lets out a hum. "Yes, the most fun I've ever had." He turns his head pulling away from me to look at me better. "Thank you... For all of it."

I look at him bemused. "All of it meaning?"

"Giving me a chance, letting me in," he smiles. "I'm happy I got a chance to know you and you didn't push me away. I know we're just friends and probably won't ever be anything more, but I'm just glad to know you and be apart of your life."

The light of the fire lit up his face, and his shaggy hair tinted by the moonlight hung down in his eyes creating moonlit shadows streaking across his face entwining with the yellow and orange glow bouncing off the fire. Through it all though, his eyes glowed in the dim light. I licked my lips as I processed his words. The part that struck me the most was those two words echoing through my mind. 'Just friends.'

Just friends. I don't know why it bothered me so much. Sure, we were friends. What's the big deal? It's not like I wanted to be anything more than friends. Not that I liked the feeling of his hand in mine. The feeling of being cuddled up next to him to keep the cold away. The feeling of how my face fit perfectly into the side of his neck when we hugged. It's not like I wanted to kiss—

My mind snaps back into reality when I realize my eyes had trailed down to his lips. 'Oh my god.' I think to myself. 'I do like all of those things. And I do want to kiss him... Do I?'

I think back to earlier when I felt his soul and my soul collide. I'd been in euphoria for the first time in my life when it happened. Sure it was only for a second because we got overwhelmed and pulled away, but those few seconds were the happiest I'd ever felt. How could I not love Eren? He's creative, kind, funny, brave, charming, and don't get me started on how beautiful he is.

"Levi?" I blink suddenly realizing I hadn't spoken in quite a long time.

I furrow my eyebrows looking down at the fire. 'Did I just say I loved him?' I think to myself. I look back up at Eren. "I... need to get some air, I'll be right back okay?" I say before pulling the blanket off myself and wrapping it around Eren before getting up and walking towards the woods.

"Wait, but Levi we're outside. There's fresh air literally everywhere!" I hear Eren call after me. "Did I say something I shouldn't have? I'm sorry, please come back!"

I ignore him, only picking up my pace. Once I'm far enough away, I hide behind a tree and lean on it closing my eyes and exhaling slowly.

I stand like this for several minutes just monitoring my breath before opening my eyes again. I knew I should go back, but what would I say? I shake my head. Nothing. I will say nothing, I won't say a word about it.

After making up my mind and calming down my breath, I finally turn around only to stop short, my blood running cold. There in front of me was what looked to be a very faint ghost like man with blonde hair standing ahead and looking down at me with piercing blue eyes.

I let out a breath, immediately sucking in air and rubbing my eyes. "Erwin?" I murmur, but there was no response of course. When I focus in again he's gone. I could feel my entire body begin to shake as I stood frozen. After I'd regained feeling in my body again, I ran back to camp. I was still pretty shaken up but I didn't want to stay out there alone for one more second.

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