Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N tell me if there's any errors, I edited this really late at night last night cause I forgot to do it in the day

Eren's POV

By the time I got out of school, I could see Levi's car parked up the hill a bit and said goodbye to my friends before walking toward it. I could tell he was still mad at me even before I'd gotten in because he usually waited outside of the car to see me and he was still seated in the drivers seat when I opened the door.

I gave him a soft smile but it was no use, he wasn't looking at me. "Hi Levi," I say in a quiet voice, taking a seat.

Levi shot me a quick glance before starting the engine and beginning to back out of the parking spot. I watched him for a moment before I turned my head to look out the window and let out a sigh. "Look, I know you're still mad at me. We don't have to right now, but can't we talk about this once we get home?"

Silence. It felt like time dragged on much longer than usual till he finally gave me a quiet 'if that's what you want' before it was silent in the car again. I felt like I was on pins and needles the whole ride home and it felt like eternity till we finally pulled into the driveway and went inside.

Levi set down his things then turned to me expectantly. I swallowed, quickly setting down my school bag and walking over to him. "Levi," I begin, reaching out to touch him but he flinches away, taking a few steps back.

"Don't touch me," His words shot through me like a bullet as his hand quickly swung up knocking my arm away. I winced, lowering my hand and stepping back.

I take a seat at the table and pull out a chair next to me. I look up at him, desperately hoping he'd come over and after a few hesitant looks, he obliged. I give him a grateful smile and take in a breath. "Levi, I know you're mad. You have all the rights to be mad, but I didn't do anything on purpose. I never meant to hurt you intentionally and I—,"

"Eren, stop," Levi interrupts, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. He looked at me for a moment before blowing his hair out of his eyes and looking to the side.

"I know you didn't mean too," He says softly. I bite my cheek furrowing my eyebrows. Levi looks back over at me and I notice his gaze soften ever so slightly. "You never did anything wrong, I'm being the jerk here. It just... freaked me out."

I blink, a little surprised at how the tables had turned. "But didn't I hurt you?"

Levi kept his eyes locked on mine. I saw his lip twitch slightly before he sucked in a breath and began to stand up. "It doesn't matter, it happened, it's over, let's move on."

"But Levi I hurt you—," I begin, standing up with him.

"We're done talking about this," Levi snaps, running his hands through his hair.

I scoff, stepping closer to him and looking down at his face. "No, I think we should talk about what happened. It's serious, Levi. If that happened again. . . actual, real damage could occur. I could've—, We both could've died!"

"Then maybe you shouldn't fucking do it again," Levi growled in a low voice before turning away and heading into his room and closing the door behind him.

I stood there for a few minutes, trying to process everything that'd just happened before pacing back and forth a bit and going into my room and flopping down on the bed. I closed my eyes letting out a deep breath, placing my hand over my eyes. Throughout our fight I could feel the small headache coming back, but by the end of the fight it had turned into a full blown migraine.

I grimaced, sitting up. I pulled the curtains shut and turned off the light before laying back down in bed and placing a pillow lightly over my head. The pain was so horrid I could actually feel my eyes beginning to tear up but I kept them in, scrunching my face up in pain.

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