Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Tell me if there's any errors, I've been using Grammarly so I'm not sure if it missed any or not💙

Eren's POV

Summer passes and before I know it, it's Autumn again. I continue working at the coffee shop I'd gotten a job at back in June. After lots of pestering, I convinced Levi to start saving up for his teashop so that he could say he'd finally done it and wouldn't have to keep working at the office he complained about almost daily. With the money my parents had left me and what money I got from my job, I bought a car. It wasn't new and fancy or anything. In fact, it was pretty well worn but it worked so I couldn't complain.

"Hey Marco," I say when we're on our break. "What'd you and Jean do for your anniversary?"

Marco sits down on the curb next to me. "Hm? Why?" He asks, taking a bite out of a muffin he'd taken from the shop.

"Because mine and Levi's is coming up and I need ideas," I say leaning back on my hands.

"Oh, well I don't know. Jean and I don't really celebrate like that since we met so young," Marco says, looking up at the sky. He turns his attention towards me smiling. "I think it's really sweet you want to though. I'm sure whatever you plan will be great."

I hum, pursing my lips and nodding more to myself than to Marco. I'd been thinking about all the things we could do but nothing really seemed good enough. I'd debated on doing anything at all because I had no idea if Levi would want to or not, but in the end, I knew I'd regret not doing something for him.

After a lot of planning and sneaking around to ask his friends about good ideas over the course of a few weeks, it was the day before.

It was the day before the anniversary and I had absolutely nothing.

It's not like I'd planned on having nothing prepared. Obviously, I was working hard, wracking my brain for good ideas but nothing seemed special enough. I even ended up calling Farlan and Isabel at one point to see if they had any ideas but to no avail.

That night I didn't get a minute of sleep. I'd asked Levi a week or two in advance if he could request the day off work.

"Why? What's on the twenty-second?" He'd asked.

"Nothing, you'll see. It's a surprise."

Well here I was, the morning of the twenty-second getting "woken up" by Levi's cellphone going off at 5:30 in the morning.

I felt Levi shift next to me, leaning over and pulling the phone lazily off the nightstand towards him. "It's 5:30 in the fucking morning. What do you want?" I hear Levi's raspy voice say into the phone quietly as if not to wake me.

I couldn't hear the other end of the phone, but I watched Levi out of the corner of my eye sit up next to me. "No, but I already requested today off. . ."

Somehow I felt relief flow through my body as I connected the dots. If Levi has work it'll give me time to get an idea and plan what to do tonight. I shut my eyes when Levi finally hangs up the phone, letting out an agitated sigh. I felt him shift closer to me, lightly placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Eren, wake up," He says softly. I blink my eyes a few times and fake a stretch to seem more sleepy than I actually was. I look over at him and raise my eyebrows expectantly. "I have to work today."

"I thought you got the day off though," I say tilting my head.

Levi rolls over into his back and closes his eyes. "I did too but I guess this new guy mixed up some papers and everything got fucked up so they want me to come help fix it."

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