Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N not gonna lie, I totally forgot it was Sunday so sorry this chapters so late😬💙

Levi's POV

After the day we went and saw Erwin's parents, Eren and I became much closer than before. Everything seemed to be working out and heading in the right direction. I had just gotten a raise at work, and Eren was graduating in a few days.

I had just gotten off work and was beginning to walk to my car when I felt a jolt of pain rush through me, starting in my chest and flowing out through the rest of my body like a spark of electricity. I sucked in a breath, closing my eyes and wincing. I'd felt this pain before. I clutched at my chest, stumbling forward and leaned up against my car to catch my breath. Once I regained my strength I looked up to see if anyone was around. When I saw no one, I quickly got into the car leaning my head back on the seat.

I'd been having the same reoccurring pains as that night with Eren a few weeks back when he'd pulled away to quickly and we both got hurt. It only happened about once a week, but when it did it was random. I couldn't tell if I'd gotten used to the pain or if it just wasn't as bad as the night with Eren, but I was able to stay on my feet for the most part.

I didn't want to worry Eren with it so I didn't tell him because I knew he'd only freak out. Once I'd calmed my nerves, I started the car and drove to pick up Eren from school. When I arrived Armin was with him and they asked if Armin could stay the night so they could cram in a last minute study session. I nodded, and before I knew it, we were home.

Eren and Armin went into Eren's room to study while I went to make some tea and check my emails while I waited for the water to boil. Once I'd finished replying to an email from Hange I set down my phone and poured out the tea. I carefully took two cups in my hands and walked them over to Eren's room.

When I entered, Armin and Eren both looked up from their books. Armin smiled as I crouched down and handed him a cup before giving the other to Eren. "Thanks Levi," Armin beamed. "I bet your teashop is gonna be super popular one day."

I turned my head to look at Eren, narrowing my eyes. He looked up at me through worried eyes and smiled. "Sorry, was I not supposed to tell people?"

I sighed rolling my eyes and standing up to leave. "Was I not suppose to know?" I could hear Armin whisper to Eren once my back was turned.

Eren let out a laugh. "Nah, he's just embarrassed that such a tough little guy like him wants to run a teashop one day."

At this I turn around and shoot daggers at Eren before bending down in front of him and leaning in close to his face. I could see the fear in Eren's eyes as he inched away from me, looking from side to side. I smirked, leaning in so that my mouth was close enough to his ear where I could whisper and Armin wouldn't hear.

"If you ever call me a 'little guy' again, I'll pull off your legs. Then you'll be the little guy," I say before pulling away to look him in the eyes and smiling gently before planting a kiss on his forehead.

I let out a breath of amusement when I feel him jump under my touch. I stood up and looked down at him once more. He was frozen in place, still staring ahead at where I'd previously been. I glanced over at Armin and he blinked at me before giving me a shaky smile as I left the room.

I smiled to myself, walking back into the kitchen to retrieve my cup and then heading to the living room, scrolling through my phone till I got bored. I ended up just watching out the window as the sun lowered, colors painting across the sky in shades of pink and orange.

After I'd finished my tea I got up and began prepping dinner. As I leaned over to grab a pot from one of the lower cabinets I saw Armin walk by but he quickly backed up to look at me. "Do you need help making dinner?" He asked.

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