Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N tell me if there's any errors 💙

Levi's POV

I should tell him. I knew I should tell him the moment I'd gotten the news. It'd been about a month since I'd been to the hospital. . . the second time, that is. It'd been about two or three months since the first time I went, the day of his graduation.

Eren has gotten a job and on a day I knew he'd be busy I took the car and visited the hospital for a check up. The results I got back were, well. . . let's just say one would only hope to not have to tell the person they loved what I'd heard. I'd put it off for a month and I knew the more I put it off the worse the reaction would be. I just had to rip off the bandaid, get it over with and out in the open.

I was done with work in about ten minutes but because Hange wasn't around to tell me to stay, I grabbed my keys and got up from my desk, heading out of the building early.

I left, stopping by the store to get dinner and then pulled into the parking lot as I waited to get Eren from his job at one of the local coffee shops. He got off around the same time I did so it was easy to get him after I'd finished working.

The sign on the shop said they were closed already so he was likely just cleaning up for the day. About five minutes went by until I saw the door open and out came Eren, immediately walking towards the car, waving to me. I waved back as he got in the seat next to me.

"Hi," he says as he buckles himself in.

"Hey," I say, quieter than I meant too. My gaze stayed on him for a moment longer before turning away and starting the car.

"How was your day?" Eren asked.

"Long," I say, driving out into the road. "You?"

"I had a good time actually. I really like working there. Plus my friend Marco just got hired so I have a friend now," he said before turning and looking over at me with a smile. "Hey, maybe I could work in your tea shop one day when it opens."

I look over at him. His eyes sparkled in the light reflecting from the sun as he stared at me. I let out a breath, nodding. "Maybe."

Once we got home, we put away the groceries together. Eren talked as I silently listened, mentally trying to come up with a way to bring up what I'd been thinking about all day.

"Hey, Eren?" I say suddenly.

"Yeah?" Eren stops talking, turning his attention towards me.

I look up at him but quickly avert my eyes, unable to keep his gaze. "I uh. . ." I trail off, trying to get the words out. I look back up at him. "Can we take a walk?"

Eren frowns, but nods as we head out the door onto the street. We'd been walking for about ten minutes and in all that time I still couldn't think of the proper words so we stayed in silence.

"Is everything alright?" Eren finally spoke up. I stopped in my tracks, looking down at the ground. My eyes wandered, looking around at where we were. We'd reached a small park. Not many people were out so it could be a good place.

"Come here," I sigh, gesturing for him to follow me up a small hill, sitting down under a thick tree. I lean my head back against it and take his hand in my own, rolling my head to the side to look at him.

Eren stares at me, giving me a small smile. I could tell he was trying to hide it, but I saw the worry in his eyes. I gave him a weak smile before sitting up and grabbing his other hand, facing him. "Listen, Eren," I say clearing my throat.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for some time," I say. I could practically feel the fear wafting off the boy sitting in front of me. "I. . . went back to the hospital about a month ago."

The Second Soulmate |Ereri AU|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن