Chapter Nine

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A/N tell me if there's any errors💙

Levi's POV

I hated how much Eren was growing on me, just as a friend of course. But the way he would laugh and try and make stupid jokes just in the hopes of making me join him in his laughter, it pissed me off. No matter what I did or said to myself to try and stop it though, the feeling only grew more.

After we'd talked and walked around for a while longer at the river, I drove us back to my house. Eren told me his parents would suspect he was doing something bad if he were to return earlier than planned with Sasha and Connie so I let him hangout for the afternoon.

At the time, we were both sitting on the couch, not particularly doing or saying anything. I read for a few minutes but quickly got bored and just ended up sitting there, staring up at the ceiling. Eren played on his phone for a bit before turning it off and sinking deeper into the couch. He let out an over exaggerated sigh, turning his head towards me.

"Can I ask you a question," he spoke in a soft tone. I don't look at him, I simply keep my gaze on the ceiling as I nod. "If you had to pick one song, any song that resonated with you, a song you would never play for anyone but yourself, what would it be?"

I blink, furrowing my eyebrows as I moved my gazed over to him. He was leaning in my direction, his head resting on the couch cushion. "Why do you ask?"

Eren let out a hum sitting up. "See, I figured you might ask that. To me, music is the closest thing you could possibly get to looking into someone's soul, aside from soul touching of course. But I've only ever read about that in books about soulmates and stuff."

I grit my teeth at the mention of "soul touching." Soul touching, so to speak, or when two souls meet, is only supposed to happen when you and your soulmate are in complete, happiness with each other and trust one another with their life. Then and only then, do your souls truly connect, meeting as one, and you can actually feel it. In fact, if you and your partners bond is strong enough, it's been said you can actually see each others souls. However, this is very rare and almost never happens.

Erwin would feel our souls touch a lot, asking if I did too but I had to lie and say that I did. Never did he mention actually being able to see my soul though, and neither did I so, there's no telling if it's real until it happens to you.

"Levi?" Eren asks, scooting closer to me as I'm swept back into reality.

I clear my throat, shaking my head. "Sorry, what?"

Eren furrowed his eyebrows, eyeing me carefully before continuing. "I asked if you could pick a song that you think resonated with your soul the most, what song would you choose?"

I look at him for a moment, thinking before after a long while giving up, sitting up in the couch and shrugging. "I don't know, I'd have to think about it I guess. I'll tell you later maybe after I've thought about it more."

Eren hummed, nodding before leaning back in the couch again. "What's yours?" I eventually ask, curious to hear his response.

"Saturn, by Sleeping At Last," he replies, not even hesitating.

I raise my eyebrows, giving him a gentle smile. "And why's that?"

Eren looked down at the ground before gazing back up to me. "Because it makes me feel alive. It makes me feel not alone in this world, this universe. It makes me think about all the life that's been given to me, to you, to every living thing. It's all meaningful, from the biggest animal down to the smallest bacteria."

I look at him for a moment, my eyes softening before leaning back into the couch, closing my eyes as I reached my hands behind my head for support. "Play it for me."

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