Chapter One

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Levi's POV

It'd been about a year and two months since Erwin passed away. I walk through the streets, hands stuffed in my pockets. It wasn't a particularly cold day, it was still autumn, but the wind had a chill to it. I mentally thanked whoever was watching that there weren't to many people out and about today. It was just about the time schools when schools would be starting, so no kids would be running about the city. Just the thought of it made my whole body shudder. The thought of tons of dirty, screaming brats running through the streets, their mothers desperately chasing after them, was one I did not particularly care for.

A small breeze began to pick up, ruffling my black hair. I scowled and once the wind had passed, reached up fixing it back to its regular position. Just as I had finally corrected my hair back into the right position, however, a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere blowing through my clothes, this time feeling it on my skin as it yet again fucked up my hair. The cold air sweeping across my skin caused a shiver to come out of me. It's times like these when I miss Erwin the most. The little things, like burying my face in his much larger chest as he wrapped his arms around me as if protecting me from the chill of the air. Times when the two of us would sit inside on a rainy day just staring out into the world watching the rain fall. We wouldn't even have to say a word, as long as we were in each others company.

I pulled my hands out of my pockets, breathing into them and rubbing them together in the hopes of gaining some warmth. After all, I can't rely on Erwin's anymore.

As I walked, my eyes fixated on the sign of the cafe Hange had told me about, walking towards it until my hand reached the door. I slid my hand around the golden doorknob and began turning it open with as little contact with the door and my hand as possible. When I arrived inside, I wiped my hand on my pant leg and walked toward the cash register.

A person was already in line so it gave me time to look over the menu before ordering. Everything looked the same, so when it was my turn I simply sighed pulling out my wallet. "Just get me a black coffee, please."

I exchanged my money before walking over to a small table in the back of the room to wait. I sighed pulling out my phone only to find no notifications. Slipping it back into my pocket, I turned my focus to the table in front of me. My eyes fell on the small vase in the center of the table, immediately feeling my heart begin to pump faster than before as my eyes looked upon a singular red chrysanthemum.

Erwin's favorite flower.

I let out a huff. Of fucking course, the one place Hange recommends to buy coffee from reminds me of him. I let out a breath, running my hands through my hair and resting my face in my hands. "Here's your coffee sir."

The voice brings me back and I snap my head up to look at the man. "Thank you—," I stop as my eyes drop down to the mans name tag.

"Is something wrong sir?" Asks the man whose name tag spells out clear as day, Erwin.

I shake my head taking the coffee in silence. Without another word, I get up and head straight for the door, practically slamming it open. I couldn't stay in there. I make it about a block until I begin to feel my hands start  shaking. In an effort to stop it, I ball up my free hand and tighten my grip on the coffee trying to forget everything that just happened.

It doesn't work. If anything, I can't seem to get the thoughts out of my mind. I let out a huff. If this was some sick idea of a joke Hange made up, they were definitely going to hear about it later, even if they are my boss, I think to myself. We've known each other almost our whole lives so I never really felt the need to treat them as my boss, unless they truly needed me to.

The Second Soulmate |Ereri AU|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن