Chapter Thirty

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A/N tell me if there's any errors. Early chapter explained at the end💙

Levi's POV

When I woke up I felt weak and incredibly frail. I'd experienced the same pains once almost every week since the first occurrence, but I'd never felt so wiped out as I did now.

A nurse came in to check up on me a few minutes after I'd woken up but soon left, telling me a doctor would be in soon. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room as I waited. I heard a knock on the door and turned my gaze to see the same doctor as the day before, Nanaba.

"Good morning Levi," she said as she walked in. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine," I say. "Can I leave?"

"Yes, but I have some medication that I'd like you to take with you if that's alright," she replied looking down at the clipboard in her hand as she wrote something.

"What's it for?" I ask.

"Well," she said sighing and pulling up a chair. "Because there's no real treatment for this kind of thing, like I said last night, we've decided to try giving you some pills. It won't stop what's happening, but it'll slow it down and hopefully cause the episodes to be less frequent. The pain won't be as bad either, all you have to do is take one everyday. If you stop taking the medicine after using it for a while you may start to feel some symptoms such as nausea or the chills. If I were you, though, I wouldn't stop taking them unless a doctor tells you otherwise."

I nod faintly, more to myself than to her. "Well, I'll be back in a few minutes with the medicine and then you're free to go. Call us if you need anything." She gets up off the chair and I lay back down. "Oh, looks like you have a visitor."

I blink, turning my head in the direction of the door and see Eren enter just as she's leaving. I quickly sit back up in bed, ignoring the pain shooting through my body from the sudden movement. "Eren," I say softly.

Eren smiles and walks over to me. "Hi, I brought you the clothes like you asked. . . and some tea too."

I roll my eyes smiling. "Thanks, idiot."

"Hey," Eren said laughing as he handed me a cup. "I'm not an idiot."

"That's your opinion." I take the cup from his hands and pull him down into a kiss, lightly running my hand through his hair before pulling away. When Eren pulled away, his face was flushed as he bit his lip, as if to hide a smile.

My eyes moved off of him as I saw the doctor come back in with a paper bag. "Hi, I'm back," she called out before walking over and setting the bag down on the side table. "Let me just unhook you from the IV machine real quick and then you're all set to go home."

I nodded and Eren thanked her several times until she was finally finished and had left the room. I pulled the blankets back from the bed and dangled my legs over the floor, setting the cup of tea on the table. I looked down at the ground before looking back up at Eren.

"Can you hand me my clothes?" I ask. I'd had enough of the pale blue pants and shirt the hospital had given me to sleep in and much rather would have been in my own clothes.

Eren blinked, looking down at the folded clothes still in his hand and blushed. "Yeah, right. Sorry," He sputtered out. "I'll just. . . wait outside."

"Wait, Eren," I called as he tossed me the clothes and was already halfway across the room. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "You can just turn around if you want. You don't have to go outside."

Eren pursed his lips, his face growing a deep shade of red as he nodded and faced the opposite direction. In all honesty I didn't care if he saw me or not, I just didn't know if I could stand up without his help just yet so it would've been easier for him to stay in the room. 

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