Chapter 65

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Song - I Wanna Know by NOTD and Bea Miller
Status - Chapter song


I'm at loss for words as I stare at the beauty in front of me. I think I may have even forgotten how to speak.

"Kat?" I hear as I feel a toxic presence behind me.


"Hey A," Katherine smiles behind me. I still was unable to find my voice as I stared at the girl in front of me.

"Come in," Aiden says. Although his voice sounds polite, I can tell that he was a little hesitant to invite the girl in.

I step aside subconsciously so she can come in, I can't help but continue to stare at her like a fish out of water. She was a goddess.

Katherine smiles at me awkwardly before she walks inside. Aiden walks to the living room and Katherine follows, so do I.

"About fucking time dickhe-" Toby begins but stops in his track when he sees who it was; "Katherine?" He finishes.

"Hey Toby," Toby doesn't reply and instead stares at me with an unfamiliar emotion swirling in his eyes.

Toby's eyes on me must remind her of my presence because she quickly turns around to face me.

"Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Katherine." She smiles.

"Emily," I manage, a very forced and very fake smile on my face.

Katherine smiles at me as the doorbell rings again. This time it had to be Blake and Carter.

"I'll get it," I rush out, desperate to remove myself from the situation. No one objects so I all but run towards the front door. This time I open the door carefully, prepared for anything. Carter smiles at me and Blake grins flirtatiously.

My face must give away exactly how I was feeling because Carter looks at me with worry, even Blake was giving me a questioning look.

"Hey," I manage to the boys.

"Hey Em, what's wrong?" Carter asks, stepping closer to me.

Blake just continues looking at me.

"Katherine is here," I say, not even thinking about how my words must sound and how they have to give away my feelings towards Aiden.

Blake visibly lightens up; "really?"

I nod, Blake beams before quickly walking to where the voices were coming from.

Did everyone feel like that? Like they would prefer Katherine over me? Blake definitely did, I had never seen him so happy in my life.

I feel my eyes well up with tears, was I not good enough? Carter sees this and quickly pulls me into his comforting arms, I let him hug me gratefully, he really was a nice guy. I finally manage to pull myself together and smile at Carter.

"Are you okay Em?" Carter smiles sadly.

I nod, "yeah, I think I'm going to head home to get changed and that."

"Let me come with you," Carter offers.

I smile at him gratefully, "thank you Carter but Luke, Dale, and Charlie will be over really soon, we'll head back over together."

"Okay, at least let me walk you home," Carter smiles.

"Such a gentleman," I joke, allowing him to walk me back home.

"My lady," Carter continues the joke, holding out his arm for me to take. I laugh at him, grabbing his arm and allowing him to speak to me like we were from the 1800s as we walk back to my house.

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