Chapter 56

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone who commented last chapter...165 comments in less than 24 hours!!!!! That is more comments than reads and I love every single one of you omg. I only have another 10 or so chapters already written so I swore to myself I would start posting 1 every 12 days to give me more time to continue writing but I just couldn't help posting this chapter when I felt so much love from last chapter. You are all so amazing and I adore you.

 You are all so amazing and I adore you

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I had woken up a couple of minutes ago but had stayed still. I had done this for several reasons; 1, was so comfortable with Em pushed up against me and 2, when I had woken up, I had noticed other parts of me had also awakened and I knew there was a huge possibility that moving would only make my situation worse.

Em was thankfully still sound asleep, somehow, in the middle of the night we had both stripped down because of the heat, I was presently only in my boxers and I was way too aware that Em had stripped down to her underpants and crop top. I was stuck, if I moved I risked not only making things worse, but also waking a sleeping Em, and something told me that she hadn't planned to wake up in a swag with me and my hard-on.

She stirs in her sleep and I freeze, praying she stays asleep. Although she had in fact stayed asleep, she had moved so her ass was pushed further into my groin. This only made things worse.

Breathing as quietly as I possibly could, I grab my sweats from my bag where I had obviously thrown it during the night and try to maneuver myself outside the tent. I needed a cold shower, stat.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I successfully climb out of the swag, Em cuddles further into the blanket and I have to pretend that the simple action doesn't cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach. That was it, I should grow some tits because it was now official. I had become a chick.

Rolling my eyes at myself in frustration I put on my sweats, thankful that I was the only one awake. I head towards the showers for my much needed cold one but another idea pops into my head.

I walk down to the beach and take my sweats off again before submerging myself in the freezing ocean water. I instantly sigh in relief. Thank fuck for the cold water.

No one is around, and the only sound I can hear is the waves crashing on the sand and the birds singing happily, it gives me some time to think. I know I have to talk to her when we get home, she needs to know how I feel. What would I say?

What would I do if she rejected me? Even if she could, would I be able to stay just friends? What would happen if she actually felt the same way, would I ask her to become my girlfriend? Did I even want a girlfriend?

If it was Em, then yeah - I did.

Groaning at myself and my thoughts I walk back to our site and are extremely confused when I see Toby sitting on a camping chair. When he sees me he smirks.

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