Chapter 38

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Another chapter that includes sexual assault, I'll warn everyone when it begins and ends.

Another chapter that includes sexual assault, I'll warn everyone when it begins and ends

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"Aiden?" I question.

"Hey Collins," he smirks back.

I look at him confused, I thought he hated me.

"I'll leave you guys alone for a minute, I'll just go to the bathroom," Luke cuts in awkwardly.

I ignore him and attempt to glare at Aiden as Luke walks away. Being drunk doesn't help the situation and I find myself laughing. Why do people glare if they're upset?

Aiden looks at me amused, but doesn't say anything.

"You did it again!!" I smile happily.

"Did what?" Aiden asks curiously.

"Saved me from falling. Remember you also did it earlier today when you were really mean!!" I smile.

Why the hell was I smiling? He was mean.

The smile falls off my face and I look at him again, pulling myself from his grasp; "you were so mean!! Go away," I say, remembering earlier.

"Come on Collins." Aiden rolls his eyes following me.

"Only my friends are allowed to call me by my last name," I sulk.

"I'm the only one who calls you by your last name." Aiden states, rolling his eyes.

Oh shit, he's right.

"Yeah well you're not my friend anymore remember," I reply after a minute, still sulking.

"At least wait with me until Luke gets back," Aiden requests. I look in his eyes and see sincerity, and that's the only reason I agree. I sit on the brick fence and Aiden sits beside me.

"Aiden?" I question after a couple of minutes.

"Yeah?" Aiden replies.

"Why were you so mean? You didn't have to be." I ask.

"I don't know, it was the only way that made sure you stayed away from me." Aiden responds hesitantly after an obvious internal debate.

"Why do you want me to stay away from you so much?" I ask.

Aiden sighs; "I wanted you to stay away from me to protect you. I'm bad." Before I can say anything he continues, chucking sarcastically; "you won't even remember this tommorow."

"And now?" I question.

Before Aiden can respond Luke makes an appearance. Aiden looks at me one last time before walking away and Luke sits in his once occupied spot.

"Emilia?" Luke asks softly.

I shake my thoughts away from Aiden and look at him, the large amount of alcohol in my system making me even more confused.

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