Chapter 4

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After Bio, I had English Lit and then a free, now it was lunch, the hour I had been waiting for all morning

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After Bio, I had English Lit and then a free, now it was lunch, the hour I had been waiting for all morning.

I walked towards where I remembered the cafeteria to be when I was suddenly pushed up against the lockers. I looked up in a panic and came face to face with a smirking Aiden. I look up at him expectantly but I'm pretty sure that the nervousness was evident on my face.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he smirks at me, I blush at his comment but say nothing, probably because I don't think I would be physically able to form words right now, I'm not stupid, I knew his words were nothing more than cheap flirting but something about the way he said it made me believe it, even just for a minute. As much as I had tried to look unaffected, I'm pretty sure that it was pretty obvious how affected I was by the proximity, words never meant much to me but I had always been someone that believed actions spoke louder than words, and to me, his proximity was an action.

Aiden smirks at how affected I was and uses it to his advantage to push himself further onto me.

"I think you would be even more beautiful with your clothes off, I say we go into that spare room and prove my theory to be correct" he smirks leaning his face closer to mine.

The blush instantly abandons my face and I roll my eyes. I can't believe I almost fell for that when all he wanted was to get in my pants. The previous embarrassment is replaced by frustration at my naive self and I shove his shoulder forcefully making him stumble back a little in surprise at my quick mood change. "Do you seriously have nothing better to do than hit on girls, I don't know who you think I am but just to make it clear, I'm not one of your helpless girls that fall under your charm. I'm not into man whores, and just to avoid any further confusion, you and I will never sleep together."

He looks at me in complete and utter surprise, I'm assuming that rejection isn't something the bad boy is used to. His evident shock makes him lower his guard and I use the distraction to my full benefit while I walk away and towards the cafeteria, I know for a fact that he was watching me walk away in awe and just to make the scene all the more dramatic, I make sure I sway my hips just that little bit extra.

I may have seemed confident throughout that whole encounter but to be honest, I had no idea where that confidence came from, in reality, I was still a nervous wreck.

I make sure to fully control my breathing before I walk into the cafeteria to face my best friend and cousin.

I had seen them instantly, It was probably because Charlie was standing on her chair waving her arms up in the air to get my immediate attention but nonetheless it worked. I giggled at her antics and made my way to them when my path was once again blocked by some other guy I had never seen before.

He was attractive but not really my type, he was blonde with almost silver eyes and a charming smile, not one that a player would wear, but a nice guy smile. "Hey it's Em right? the mystery boy asks smiling.

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