Chapter 36

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Song - Break Your Heart by Taio Cruz
Status - Chapter song

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It was finally Friday, I still hadn't heard from any of the guys and It was really starting to bother me

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It was finally Friday, I still hadn't heard from any of the guys and It was really starting to bother me. I get that Aiden was trying to protect me but that doesn't mean he should completely cut me off.

I had biology last, I hoped that all the boys were here today. Maybe they would talk to Charlie and I in bio. I doubted it but it gave me something to look forward to. My first class was English Lit, I was excited that I had Jordan in that class, but I was also anticipating whether or not Aiden was here today. He didn't know I was in his English class yet, and honestly, I was kind of freaking out. He had made it crystal clear that he had wanted nothing to do with me, so how would he react when he saw that I was in this class as well as bio and calculus.

As soon as the bell goes, I sigh and follow Charlie to English, she was so excited about some new cheer dance or something that she didn't notice how hesitant I was about going into English, and I was glad. I hadn't even told her yet about why the guys were ignoring us.

I sit down and an excited Jordan takes his spot next to me while Charlie heads to the back. The teacher walks in soon after and takes her seat.

She starts talking about romanticism in the book Frankenstein but I can't find it within myself to pay any attention. Aiden wasn't here.

A disappointed feeling settles within my stomach and I try my best to push it away. I lie my head on my arms that were sitting on the desk but lift it quickly when I hear the door opening.

My heart pounds erratically as Aiden walks in, he hasn't noticed I'm here yet but as soon as our eyes meet, my heart stops.

His eyes are cold and blank, similar to the Aiden I first met, there was none of the familiar warmth directed at me that I had grown so used to.

"For fuck sake," he says loudly, rolling his eyes at me before he walks out again. The teacher calls out to him but he sticks up his finger at her and continues walking. The class chats excitedly about what has made Pearlacre highs favorite bad boy mad. Everyone but me, I knew exactly what had happened. I feel eyes on me and turn slightly to meet the familiar eyes of Charlie.

I see her give me a questioning look and I know straight away that she was putting the pieces together. Aiden walked out because of me, and I wasn't looking forward to the inevitable questioning I was going to get.

Class passed relatively quickly, mostly because Jordan chatted excitedly about some new rumor that two of the teachers were having an affair. I couldn't really give my full attention to Jordan throughout his gossip session but I don't think he noticed. Throughout the whole class, the fact that Aiden walked out because of me kept my mind working overtime.

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