Chapter 75

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Emily POV:

Today was Sunday and Dale had just dropped me back home, after he heard about what happened with Aiden and I, Miles and him didn't leave my side for the rest of the night and honestly, I was okay with pretending I didn't know about Miles and Dale when others were around, if that's what they wanted then that's okay.

Dale had asked me if I wanted him to stay with me tonight but I had declined, I wasn't sure if it was my emotions running high or the fact that Miles was finally moving on but for some reason, I wanted to talk to my mother about Maddi, I wanted to tell her that Maddi knew about my father's affair and hated him for it. I wanted to be completely transparent with my mother because she had always been transparent with me, I owed her that at least.

I sigh to myself, falling on my bed beside Nala once Dale leaves after helping me bring everything in. I wanted to tell her, she deserved to know. I think that maybe a part of me wanted to tell her about Dale and Miles but I knew I couldn't do that yet so maybe I was using this to replace what I really wanted to tell her.

I lie on my bed for a few hours and then suddenly the sun begins to sink.

"Hey sweetie, I didn't hear you come in but did you have a good time last night?" My mom smiles. I smile back at her, "I did, thank you for helping Charlie plan it all."

My mom smiles at me; "is there anything in particular, that you want for dinner tonight?"

I shake my head, I didn't really feel like eating at all because I knew how this conversation would end.

"Are you okay sweetie?" My mother questions, sitting on the bottom of the bed and giving me a worried look.

I guess this was my cue.

I sit up, Nala lifts her head but goes back to sleeping quickly.

"Hey mom, there's something that I've wanted to tell you for ages but Maddi never let me," I whisper.

My mother's head shoots to mine at the mention of her daughter and she stares at me silently.

"I know that Maddi knew about dad's affairs before she was diagnosed and I know you told her not to tell Lij and me or treat him any different," I admit quietly.

My mother sighs, her eyes welling with tears as she faces me; "I did, I was just trying to protect my family, I thought you and Eli were too young to understand and I didn't want to put any more stress on any of my kids."

"I know, thank you for being such a strong mom and amazing role model," I smile.

My mother smiles back but it doesn't reach her eyes; "that isn't what you wanted to tell me though."

I nod at her, admitting that her statement was correct; "did you know that she knew about Candice and that dad wanted to leave us?"

My mother stares at me, shock in her eyes, she's silent for a few seconds before she comes back to reality; "no I didn't know that. How do you know?"

Tears begin falling down my eyes as soon as I begin thinking about the memory. "The night before Maddi died she told me that she had heard an argument between you and dad, she said that dad wanted to leave us for Candice but you begged him to stay. She actually cried to me that night, not for her but for you, mom, because she believed you deserved so much better and wanted nothing less for you than to find someone worthy of you. She hated our father with every part of her being but she never showed her hate to him because she didn't think that anyone deserved to die knowing that their child hated them. She thought it was better if he thought she loved him still than knowing how she truly felt about him."

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