Chapter 46

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Song - Standing With You by Guy Sebastion
Status - Chapter song

Song - Standing With You by Guy SebastionStatus - Chapter song

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Emily POV:

I wake up with the sound of the shower turning off and cuddle further into the delicious smelling sheets. The smell of Aiden surrounds me and only now I realise that I was in his bed. I didn't remember falling asleep in Aiden's bed last night, I must have been really tired. Every day was a day closer to the field trip and I was so excited.

Tonight Dale was staying over because I wouldn't be able to see him until next weekend. Tuesday we went on the field trip and on Monday he was going to his aunties with Val and her husband after school. I wanted more than anything for him to transfer to our school but I knew that unfortunately wouldn't happen. My birthday was also in a couple of weeks, I'd finally be 18 like Dale, Aiden, Luke and the rest of the guys. Charlie's birthday was even after mine.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear the bathroom door opening. I look up and regret it straight away. There stood Aiden with nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

I think I just died and went to heaven.

"Like what you see Collins?" Aiden smirks, obviously very aware I just checked him out. My face goes up in flames and Aiden chuckles.


Aiden grabs another pair of boxers and sweatpants from his drawer and walks in to his bathroom again, presumably to get changed.


I roll over to grab my phone and turn it on. Instantly I see a message notification, and it makes me want to throw up.

From dad;

Hello Emily. You need to reply to me and show me some respect, I am still your father.

My heart pounds erratically, but it's not the same way that it tends to pound whenever Aiden is near. I feel tears well in my eyes. I'm dreaming, he didn't just message me that.

"Oi Collins," I briefly hear Aiden in the background but I can't find it within myself to respond. My father is not such an asshole that he would send me THAT. No way.

I stare at my phone, hoping more than anything that I'm just hallucinating, but the message doesn't disappear. I hear Aiden again, and again, I physically cannot respond.

My phone begins to ring, and when I see the contact name, I drop my phone. It lands on the ground beside the bed with a thud. My father was calling me.

Aiden must hear the sound because the bathroom door opens abruptly and Aiden looks at me confused. I think I'm going to throw up. Is this what a panic attack feels like?

The phone continues to sound and Aiden walks over to it, picking up my phone and reading the contact name in confusion. As soon as the contact name registers I see him visibly tense. He too stares at my phone. Eventually, the phone stops ringing, but the feeling doesn't subside. I notice Aiden read the latest message from him, anger flashes through his eyes but I see him remaining calm, probably for my sake.

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