Chapter 10

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A/N, guys this chapter is just the previous chapter in Aiden's POV, you can skip it if you like but I wouldn't recommend that because a development is made, plus I do think it is important to get a sense of the personalities contrasting and see a more vulnerable side of our favorite bad boy.

A/N, guys this chapter is just the previous chapter in Aiden's POV, you can skip it if you like but I wouldn't recommend that because a development is made, plus I do think it is important to get a sense of the personalities contrasting and see a ...

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Aiden POV:

The Collins's had left a while ago, they seemed like one little perfect fucking family as much as I would never admit it, I found myself a little envious. I was also close to my mom, but Emily had a father that she was obviously very close to as well.

She had a lot of features like her mother and Elijah, but I couldn't see many similar features between the three of them and Robert. I had also found myself wondering where she had gotten her eyes from, everyone in that family had brown eyes similar to mine but none had her bright blue ones.

I had taken Elijah to my games room to try and win over Emily and by the looks of it, it worked. I wonder how much longer I'd have to wait before I can finally win my game. I hadn't slept with anyone since I had met her, granted it had only been a couple of weeks but I was putting all my energy into winning her over, she was no doubt my hardest conquest yet, but something told me it would be worth it.

I had a race tomorrow, it would be a pretty easy one and I should make a few thousand at least. Anything is good, it gets me one step closer to paying off my biological father's debt. I would never let anything happen to my baby sisters, they were everything good in the world and the fact that he used them as collateral disgusted me, it made me happy that he was in jail.

It was just before 11:00, why the fuck could I not have a picture-perfect family like Emily, or like Toby. It frustrated me to no end the fact that all my friends had a real family and I had what I did. I never complained though, I had my mom and my two sisters, and that was all I had needed. Sometimes, however, the envy would catch up to me and tonight was one of those nights.

Sighing I walk to my room from the twins who had forced me to lie with them and instantly make my way to my window to climb to the familiar roof. I had always found myself on my roof when I wasn't able to go anywhere else.

I look over to Emily's room to see her window wide open, after a minute of unsuccessfully searching for the familiar brunette, I climb out my window and begin the familiar climb to the roof almost mindlessly. I had discovered the roof when I was only 8, I remember having a fight with my mom over my dad and going to my room, I then heard my mom near and I didn't want to talk to her so I thought that hiding outside in the tree was my best option. I had always been adventurous and that was the cause of the first time I had decided to climb the tree ending up on the roof which quickly became 'my place'.

When I had gotten my license, I had found another place up on the hill overlooking the beach, that was another place I would often find myself. My mom knew about the roof but no one had ever seen or knew of my hill spot.

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