Chapter 61

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Hello, friends!! This is part 1 of 2 parts to this chapter, the only reason for this is so I can use a different song for each part because so many fit this moment!!! I will post both parts together as 1 chapter as they will be a little shorter.

Song - Cut You Off by Selena Gomez
Status - Chapter song :(

Listen to the song straight away fam.


"Aiden." I sigh, unable to hide my discomfort with the situation.

Aiden stares at me, an unknown emotion so clear in his brown eyes that I once found so warm.

"I don't know what you saw but please let me explain," Aiden begs. I see everyone's eyes on me and whilst I once found them comforting, I now felt like they were intruding a private conversation between Aiden and me.

I close my eyes, trying to control my emotions before I squeeze out of the door, pushing Aiden backward in the process. When our skin touches, I hate myself for the sparks that shoot through my body. When would they stop? I close the door behind me, successfully blocking out any eavesdroppers. The wind blows towards us, so some of the heavy rain reaches us. I'm wet in a few minutes.

"Please Em, you have to listen to me," Aiden begs, his voice breaking and the vulnerability nearly makes me second guess where I was going to lead this conversation.

"Me and Kat, it was a mistake-" Aiden begins but I cut him off.

"Aiden, it's fine. You and I would never work anyway, you and Katherine belong toge-" This time I get cut off.

"No, Em, I don't love her anymore. Please believe me, we didn't even-" Aiden says, I once again cut him off. This was an efficient conversation, both of us just cutting each other off.

Note the sarcasm.

"Didn't what Aiden? Sleep with her? Save it, I saw it. You're never going to change," I state. Aiden stares at me, not saying anything and I take this as my opportunity to continue.

"This," I say, motioning from Aiden to me, "would never work. Whatever it was was doomed from the beginning."

"No Em, that's not true," Aiden finally manages.

Anger courses through me, is he for real?! What does he not understand by the words 'i saw you?' I scoff, rolling my eyes angrily "Seriously Aiden!? I trusted you, I told you to tell me if you weren't serious and you lied to my face. You messed with my emotions but I guess I should have expected it right? I mean you're a fuck boy and I'm the timid little girl but the jokes on me because I actually believed you had changed for boring little me. You and Katherine have a good life together because I am so fucking done with your bullshit. I've had enough of your game Aiden, I refuse to be another one of your conquests that you only break in the end. I'm just that. Whatever this was, is over now." I finish angrily, maybe I could have been nicer to him but I was so sick of it. He can't use me, I won't let him.

I look at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something, to defend himself, yell back at me or even kiss me but he does none of these things, he just stares at me, I don't know if he was deep in thought or he just had nothing to say but either option frustrates me.

I scoff again, shaking my head at him.

"Goodbye, Aiden," I say a lot softer. I push the door open and disappear behind it, taking one last look at a speechless Aiden. The rain had wet his jacket so much it was pulling down his shirt, the water had made his white shirt see-through and I could see his full torso. His black jeans clung to his legs and his hair was dripping. Tears once again well in my eyes when I pull my eyes away from his frame. This was it, the last time I would put myself in a position where Aiden was. I knew I had to cut him off, and I would. I wouldn't let him hurt me like this again.

The Bad Boys ExceptionWhere stories live. Discover now