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   The two of you looked at each other wondering if the other felt that, or if it was just them. You look at him still smiling and then you just start singing, but of course it was the beginning of let it go. Bokuto laughs more and starts singing with you. You two just kept singing Disney songs, or really any good animated movie songs. This went on till dinner was ready.

    "Y/n! Bokuto! Dinner's ready!", your mom yelled for the two of you.

  "Heck ya!", you cheer while turning off microphones and the sound system. "HEY HEY HEY! I'm starving!", he cheers as well, and the both of you head towards the kitchen. "Hey Pop!", you chirp walking over to your dad giving him a hug. "How was your day peanut?", he smiled kissing you on the head. "It was good! Pop this is Bokuto.", you pull away gesturing for Bokuto to come forward.
"Hello sir it's nice too meet you.", he said nervously as he bowed slightly. Your dad narrows his eyes a bit, "You better not hurt my daughter.", he growled. Bokuto swallowed anxiously.

   "Pop! I told you that we're just friends.", you sigh feeling kind of disappointed in your own words. "I don't plan on hurting your daughter sir. I just want us to be able to hangout and stuff.", he said pulling his hands out in defense. "And STUFF? What is this stuff your planing to do to my baby?", you father ask sounding suspicious. "Oh my god, Pop. Can we just eat dinner?", you sigh from you father being overprotective and kind of annoying. "Please, lets have a nice dinner with our guest honey.", M/n said while setting the table.

  You all sat down at your round table with Bokuto sitting next to you and your mom, but sadly this was right across from your father. But Bokuto tried ignoreing his glares and tried to just enjoy eating dinner with you and your family. 'Surely she just invites people over like this all the time. Right?' Bokuto thought trying to convince himself that this means nothing while eating the meal that M/n made. "Thank you again for inviting me tonight!", he said happily. "It's no problem dear!", your mom chirped in response. "Yea! It's really no problem Bokuto.", you smile at him. He smiles widely at you ,kind of making the both of you laugh.

While the two of you began to chat and have conversation your mom just smiled at the two of you. There was this chemistry between the two of you that anyone in a mile could see. Seeing the smile on your face as you conversed with Bokuto warmed her heart. She knew that her daughter had problems, and she knew that her daughter put a fake smile on her face most days. Yet, her daughter sat there with a real smile and she knew it had to do with Bokuto. No matter what happened between the two of them she hoped that they at least stayed friends. She just wants her baby to smile.

   "Hey, mom are we good to just chill in my room now?", you ask as the both of you finished you food. "Oh! Yes, that's fine just make sure you guys pay attention to the time so Bokuto gets home at a reasonable time.", she said pulled from her thoughts. "Yes ma'am!", you say giving her a small salute. "The food was amazing thank you!", Bokuto said while the two of you run up to your bedroom. F/n sighs looking in their direction hearing the two teens start to laugh. "I don't like that he makes her this happy.", he huffed leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. "I'm happy that she is happy. F/n you know that Y/n hasn't been this way in a while. I-", she stops feeling her throat get dry, "I'm really worried about her you know, and if that boy makes her happy, F/n, let her be happy being with him." He looks at his wife and her saddened expression. "I will.", he said with a sigh grabbing her hand and gently rubbing it. "He better at least be loaded.", "F/N!"


You and Bokuto walk into your room feeling stuffed after dinner. "Your mom is a great cook.", he sighed happily hopping onto your bed, "I know! I'm so lucky." Those words echo throughout you head making you frown a bit.

It gets quiet.

"Do you think Akaashi has ever watched twilight?", Bokuto blurted out randomly. "WHAT? HAHAHAHA! Thats amazing Bokuto, and, YES I BET HE'S WATCHED THE WHOLE SERIES!", you wheezing plopping down next to him who is now all so a laughing mess. "SAY IT!", he shouts, "VAMPIRE!", you cough from your lack of oxygen which makes Bokuto laugh even harder. You both bantered on making jokes, and laughing at the idea of Akaashi crying while watching the ending of twilight.

As you try to catch your breath you lay your head down on his shoulder.

"Y/n.", he said in a low quiet voice, and stopped laughing nearly instantly .

You hum in response while staying on his shoulder. "Your amazing.", was all he said before grabbing your hand and gently holding it. Your heart fluttered feeling his hand and how warm it was. "I should be saying that you know.", you lightly chuckle squeezing his hand a bit. Then it went silent, but in a peaceful and comforting way. You just stayed their together. The two of you didn't know what just happened, or what this meant, but all you guys knew was it felt nice. You closed your eyes feeling at ease. "You tired?", he ask looking at you sweetly, "Nah. This just feels good.", you said nonchalantly opening your eyes to look at him. You see him looking at you with a goofy smile, "It does feel good!"

     He lays his head on yours sighing contently. He squeezes your hand making you giggle a bit.

   "I should head home it's getting late.", Bokuto said sounding sad. You pout at his words, "Really?", "Do you want me to get in trouble with my parents?", he ask laughing. "No, but will you let us drive you home since its already dark out.", you sighed getting up and stretching. "It's only 9:30 so it's not that late! You guys don't need to drive me home.", Bokuto said while getting up too, "Oh come on! What about CAR KARAOKE?", you whine giving him a desperate look.

   He looks at you trying not to smile or like the idea of singing your hearts out in the car. "No!", he try's to say seriously. "Please!", you give puppy dog eyes. He can't help but smile at that giving a snicker. "Hey hey hey car karaoke sounds fun!", he shouts giving into the idea. "Hey, we need to drop Bokuto off at his house can one of you drive us?", you shout while the two of you head into the living room. "I'll drive.", your dad sighed getting up from the sofa. "Yay! Thanks Pop!", you gleam as you get your shoes on. Bokuto trys to gets his shoe his, but of course falls over gives a yelp in the process. "Ow.", he whine getting up. "Gosh and I thought I was a klutz.", you laugh at him before you guys finally get out the door. You hopped in the back with Bokuto while your dad sat in the front. "You know what time it is?", you say trying to sound mysterious. "Karaoke!", Bokuto shouts raising his hands above his head. "HELL YA!", you shout, "Watch your language Y/n.", you hear your dad tell you sternly from the front. "Yes sir.", you shout whisper feeling kind of embarrassed.

The two of you sang your hearts out, but that's not surprising. But the whole way there you held each other's hand, and nothing could describe how that made you feel.

You finally get to Bokuto's house, and you walk him up to his door. "Thanks for eating dinner with us it was really fun.", you said feeling sad that it's already over. "Thanks for inviting me. Y/n, I really, really, enjoy tonight it was amazing!", he gave you his iconic smile. You laugh at him a bit, "See you at school.", you said but before you turned around he engulfs you in a tight hug. You hug him back smiling. "Bye Bokuto.", you giggle, "Bye Y/n!", he chirped sweetly waving to you.

Then you left.

Bokuto walks inside his house smiling widely. Then he does a small victory dance. "Yes!", he whisper shouts. "Looks like someone had a good evening.", his mom said looking at him amused. He looks at her quickly laughing a bit at her. "I think I love her.", he sighed happily smiling as he walked up to his room. "And when do I get to meet her?", Bokuto's mom yelled from down stairs, but she receives no response from her son.

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt