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You all were heading to a burger joint nearby. With Konoha and Tamika blushing in the front, and Bokuto and you blushing in the back. Then Akaashi was in the middle surrounded by awkward silence.(poor Akaashi)

Bokuto couldn't manage to get himself together. He didn't know why! It's not like you were being seductive, well you were, but not to a normal person you weren't! You've only known her for a month! ONLY ONE MONTH!

"Bokuto-san?", you pull him out of his thoughts.

"Y-yea?", he stutters now redder then before. "I was wondering— wait are you feeling okay?", your tone changed to concern. "O-oh yea I'm fine!", he says while trying to distract his thoughts. "I'm the greatest ace ever! Why wouldn't I be okay! HEY HEY HEY!", blurts out with as much energy as he can.

"Well remember this 'greatest ace ever' you still get sick. So take care of yourself, okay!", you smile widely and blush pink once again.

Bokuto feels his heart skip a beat from her words.

"HEY! I PROMISE I WILL! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!", he shouts giving you two thumbs up. You giggle and give him some thumbs up too. "Okay then! You better keep it!", you tease him a bit.

'Gosh Bokuto is amazing! I'm so lucky to have him!"

You get pulled from you thoughts as you all arrive at the restaurant. To be honest nothing really happened. The most interesting this was that Bokuto started to snort his soda and began cry from the quote, "burning in my brain organ thing GOD HELP ME IM TO YOUNG TO DIE", so that happened. A little smaller thing was that Konoha said he was gonna walk Tamika home, and later Akaashi came an spilt the tea that he saw Konoha and Tamika kissing. You and Bokuto gave ooo's and awe's to the over exaggerated retelling of it, well hopefully exaggerated.

"Well we should walk you home.", Akaashi said nudging Bokuto. "HEY HEY HEY! We can let you walk home alone when it's this dark! That's not safe for a young lady!", Bokuto yells while wearing a goofy and adorable grin.

"Oh thanks you guys that sweet of you!", you thank them. You then hook your arms with theirs and start to skip back.

Bokuto blushes but smiles even wider, if that's possible. "We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of OZ!", you start to sing gaining a small chuckle from Akaashi.

You all made it to your house. You thanked them once again and headed inside.


Please don't read this part if you are not comfortable with the topic.


   You headed straight towards your room, and quickly shut your door behind you. The air around you started to feel thicker and hotter.
You sat on your bed trying to catch your breath.

     'You're not suppose to feel this way' thoughts started to fill your head.

   'God you're useless, after all they've done for you!'

   'Your so LUCKY! You don't have a right to feel this way!', your breathing began to quicken. Your eyes and throat burned. Hot tears poured down you face. You couldn't stop. Your fear and anxieties just started to pour out of you in what seemed like huge title waves.

      You were shaking uncontrollably. More and more thought arose in your head.

        This all started because of you thinking about how nice people are to you. How lucky you are. How you still cry and feel worthless everyday. How you believe that if you died tomorrow that you'd be happy. How you knew that you'd hurt people if you took your life, but you want to not hurt. Your so selfish ,and your selfish to think your selfish. Your so stupid! Your so worthless! You have no right to cry. Your lucky, your lucky, your lucky, etc.

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now