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Akaashi put his books into his locker as the hallways started to fill with more and more students. He quickly grabbed his lunch and started to head towards their lunch spot. As he made his way through the congested halls, he caught a glimpse of a certain couple slipping away towards the bathrooms.

He narrowed his eyes, 'Where are they going?'

"AKAASHI!", "Sup Akaashi!"

Two voices pulled him away from his thoughts. "Oh, hey Y/n.", he smiled. "HEY! Don't ignore me!", "Y/n could you tell a certain idiot, that I appreciate being able to sleep."

Y/n laughed, "Don't drag me into your guys' problems!" Bokuto pouted, and crossed his arms, "I was just a little excited...", "Really? I didn't notice.", Akaashi said sarcastically.

"Aye! You two stop fighting! Let's just go eat lunch, I'm starving!", Y/n sighed, pouting at them. "Well, let's go then!", Bokuto shouted pulling her down the hall, "Wait! What about Tamika and Konoha?"

"Don't worry I'll get them you two go and save our spot.", Akaashi smiled kindly. Y/n gleamed at him, "You're so sweet! Thanks, Akaashi, loooove youuu!" He watches as they made their way through the halls. They happily swang their attached hands, giving each other loving looks. Akaashi's smile faded and fell grimmer. He was about to be not very sweet to a certain couple.

He turned down the coriander they slipped down. He looked around trying to see where they might be, but he eventually passed by the restroom and heard some familiar voices. He narrowed his eyes as he approached the boy's restroom. He opened the door slowly and looked around the corner.



"God, I love you so much..."

"Wow, guess you guys were really hungry.", Akaashi stated, turning the corner.

"Akaashi! What the he- what are you doing here?", Konoha muttered, quickly buttoning up his shirt. Tamika quickly covered herself, with her shirt being completely unbuttoned. "We need to talk."

"Can we talk later? This, this isn't really the best time...", Tamika stuttered shyly, covering herself properly.

"No, we're talking now. So, get comfortable."

The two went quiet, unsure of what is going to be said.

"You two are liars. You've been lying to Y/n for a month now, and now it's just cruel.", Akaashi frowned. "Well, we-", he cut Konoha off, "No, there is no excuse. You can't just tell her you're coming to practice then tell her and hour after it was supposed to start you have something like "student council stuff" has come up. You know it's been giving her more anxiety than normal. It's wrong.", he looked at Tamika with a gaze that could kill. She frowned, "I have to, and I have no control over her emotions. I could never go out with Konoha if I told her the truth!", "Have you even talked to her about it?"

She fell silent and looked away from him. He furrowed his brows more and scoffed, "You're a true friend...."

"Don't talk to her like that, asshole.", Konoha threatened. "I'm just making a point.", Akaashi stated coldly. "Have you even actually talked to her recently?", she stayed quiet. He just looked away from them, "You're a bad friend..."



   "Whah? Um Ih duwning somthing wong?"

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now