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   Though Tuesday was a rough day, it was Wednesday now and finally you and Tamika could practice. You skipped along to school with excitement radiating off you.

   You were walking through the front gate when you saw a certain tall, golden eye boy waiting by the second years lockers. "Good morning Bokuto!", you smiled brightly at him. He looked at you, his smile widening with your happy attitude, "HEY HEY HEY! Good morning to you!" You laugh continuing to head to your locker. He started to follow you like a little duckling following it's mother. "Is there something you need, or do you just like stalking young girls in the morning?", you ask him teasingly. His smile falters with your question. "I-I was wanting to make sure you were okay, you know, with everything that happened yesterday...", he said shyly looking away.

   You feel heat spread to your cheeks. "I'm fine, really... but, it makes me happy that you were worried.", you lightly laughed, "Not that I want to make you worried, I just mean, like, that I know you care."

  "I do!", he stammers looking away, "Oh! Umm, I have to go... Sensei will make me clean the classroom if I'm late again! Bye Y/n!", Bokuto looked at you anxiously. "Well, see you at lunch!", you smiled feeling your heart ache a bit. Then with that, you saw that wonderful boy run to his class.

   'He must hate you to leave with such a hurry.'

   'Like he'd care about you.'

   Your smile slowly fades, then you turn around and head to your next class.

    You were basically on airplane mode going through your normal motions. Take notes, breathe, don't cry, sharpen your pencils, turn in your home work. Everything was normal. You were pulled from this state by the bell reminding you you had math next, with Ms. Kogona. Your anxiety started to boil up. You take a big breath and start heading to that dreaded class. You were half way there when you heard Akaashi call to you, "Y/n." He walked slightly faster to catch up, "Are you gonna be okay? I know that she was pretty harsh with you yesterday.", he ask with concern. "Oh, don't worry! I'm just a little nervous to face her again...", you respond honestly. "Well, I'll be happy to help you if you need anything.", he looked at you with a small but warm smile. You hugged him, "Awww, your so awesome!", "We better get going. We don't wanna be late for class, especially you.", he said while patting your head. "Hey!", you whined slapping his arm lightly, "Ow."

Then the two of made your way down the hall way finally reaching the class door.

A frown was placed on your face. You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, you glanced at Akaashi who gave you a reassuring nod. With a big breath the two of you walked into your math class. You glance at Ms. Kogona who is busy doing things on the board. Quickly you head to your desk and get out your actual notes and a pencil.

'You got this Y/n......'


"Broooo!", you hear your best friend call you. "Tamika?", you ask her questionablely as you walked out of the classroom. "Did you survive?", "I think so?"

She gave you a little hug, "You'll get better grades in no time, no worries!" You smile and nod your head. Even though you had the slightest bit of doubt. Then like that, the two of you headed to your next shared class. Lucky your teacher today was in a better mood then the day before, so it was pretty easy going in class today. Most of the class finished the whole assignment in twenty minutes, so for the rest of the class you worked on your songs in your song book. You even got to ask Tamika some questions about phrasing and such.

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now