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It was the end of the day now. You feel so energetic now! You finally get to go to your house.

"Y/n!", you hear a voice call. You turn to see Tamika, Konoha, Akaashi ,and Bokuto heading your way. A shy look was on Tamika's face as they reached you.
You give a small sigh and smile, "Sup, don't you guys have practice?" You tried giving them a small hint you just want to leave. "Nah, we don't have practice today since we had a practice match yesterday!", a cheerfully answered Bokuto.

Tamika looked at you and gave you pleading eyes to let them come to practice. You tried to say no, but you couldn't not let her show off front of the guy she liked. You sighed and looked at the three boys, "Would you guys like to come to our band practice?", " I don't know y/n. I don't think that it would really be interesting for them." You looked at her and her whole acting like she doesn't want them there.

"YOU GUYS ARE IN A BAND!", yelled Bokuto, "THATS SO COOL!" A small blush spreads to your's and Tamika's face. "We'd love to come!", added Konoha. Akaashi gave a small nod.

"Well if you guys really want to than you can." ,Tamika said trying to to show how happy she was. While tried not to show how uncomfortable you were.

You and Tamika have been in a band together since the your second year in middle school. You two just had perfect chemistry ,in a sibling way, and it made your music 10 times as good. It was something you guys had that was just a you too thing. You guys had preform at gigs before you weren't shy, but you were worried that she's let your guys's thing be intruded on by the guy she likes.

    You tried not to think that way as you all headed to your house. That's were you could practice uninterrupted. Gosh your parents were awesome! Your so lucky.

     "Okay, here we are.", you said as you all reach your house. You immediately you go to the garage and open it up. "WOAH! This is were you practice?", Bokuto said excitedly.     

   "Ya, we practice twice a week at least!", Tamika gleamed obviously trying to get a certain somebody impressed. Konoha saw this immediately and smiled, "Wow, your really dedicated to your music!", " Oh! Ya I am.", a pink tint appeared across her face.

    You sighed and looked at her slightly annoyed. " Are you gonna practice or not?", you sounded pretty harsh ,but she got your point and got the keyboard turned on. You finished tuning your guitar. You strummed it a bit then you looked at Tamika.

   The boys sat there as they saw how you two had a conversation with just your eyes, and by the way you looked away ,clearly pissed and annoyed, it was not a pleasant one.

           •Then you started•

  You two began to play "Since You've Been Gone". Tamika sang lead in this song. You weren't jealous of not being the main attention, but you were upset because you two weren't sing an original.

       Tamika's voice was strong and steady. It was perfect for this song, but you were still pissed so much that it sort of came through as you sang the harmony.

    It honestly kind of made the song sound more emotional.

     By the end you were not as pisses, but as soon as you hit that final note you turned and looked at her. "We can't keep doing these songs! You know we have to practice with our own if we're going to improve!", you harsh response shocked the boys after hearing how good you two were.

    They didn't know how you couldn't be not satisfied with that performance.

     "Jesus, can't you just do a song for fun?", she sighed at you. You grumbled before looking at the boys turning a little red, "Sorry." Konoha and Bokuto busted into laughter. "It's fine it is your practice.", Akaashi said calmly.

      " You guys are so good!", Bokuto yelled smiling, "Ya you're great!", added Konoha.

  "How about you pick one of our to play to make you feel better.", Tamika's said try to make you not as pissed. You looked at her and smirked, " Do you really want me to pick?", she groaned and hesitantly noded her head.

   The smile on your face was nearly as big as Bokuto's. "If you Insist!", you chirped.

    You looked at her and she nodded. Your hand began to fly on lower part of your guitar's neck. Tamika was now adding what seemed like string through the keyboard. It was like nothing like they had ever heard before.
     Bokuto's eyes landed on you. He watch as you gracefully played as if it was like second nature to you. Like it was just blinking your eyes or breathing. He saw your smile. He felt his heart flutter, and a pure childlike smile was now on his face.

•You began to sing•

" Hey, can you hear me? Are you in pain, and please don't lie.",
"Is it tough ,or is it rough? I'm I not enough?", "All I ask of you, is to give me the simple truth. Am I hurting you~"


Everyone jumped ,and you gave a small yelp. To your demise it was your older brother Kastin. Tamika and you both look any him and in unison say, "What the hell?" He rolls his eyes, " You guys sound like a dead raccoon. Can you be quiet for once?", "NO!", both you and Tamika yell nearly in harmony.

Bokuto, Konoha, and Akaashi look at each other and decide they should head home. They say the goodbyes ,and hear more bickering continue as they leave.

"They were good.", Akaashi said as they left. " Ya, y/n is really amazing at playing the guitar!", Bokuto smiled. Konoha looks at them and says, " I think I could really like Tamika. Especially if I get to know her more.", he smirks and puts his hands on his neck. "Really?", Akaashi asked, "Yep, she's a total hottie and she is a decent person!", he reply's cheerfully. " Maybe we can hangout with them this weekend?", " Ya.", Bokuto said quietly with a gleam in his eyes.

Akashi looks at him and slightly smiled.

*You guys are just gonna have to imagine what the songs sounded like.  Please enjoy!*

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant